[quote=chaw;#355764;1377522245]@aya LOOOOOOL

Okay yeah. I think I'll fit. I'm not THAT small

It comes in different sizes, k?

[quote=Tres;#355781;1377527315]One time I drew the icon of the power button on her arm and the mark stayed red for hours. how do you find this condition though? 'cause i think it's really awesome and beautiful and has a lot of potential in art

That happens to me too. [i]Tapos nakaalsa. [/i] I rly don't mind coz it disappears for a few hours but when other people see it they freak out. I'd prolly be happy if I was emo. [i]Oh shit I could write on my arm without actually cutting wowee[/i].

I don't like having sensitive skin coz sometimes when it gets too irritated (and when I scratch like crazy) it will form rashes which are very difficult to treat. -___-
@t: I wouldn't part with my favorite pillow until I die.