[quote=mrjpc07;#166759;1339651569]1. What egroups had you been with?
2. Closest R4 member on you?
3. Are you a lesbian or a girl?[/quote]
1. TS, HSB and R4.
2. All of them, I guess.
3. GIRL no. Asa naman sa lesbian.

[quote=asawanibatman;#167585;1339673289]What's your favorite song atm?[/quote]
Brokenhearted ~ Karmin
[quote=ScarletMoon;#167679;1339675690]congrats Idol..maxado na ata late pag greet ko..[/quote]
No problem, Idol.

[quote=mndrl;#167712;1339676221]Do you know how to play any instrument?[/quote]
Flute and lyre. I miss the days where I can play instruments, btw.

[quote=ECKAdoodles;#167725;1339677239]dapat ko bang i-flood 'to?[/quote]
Oo naman.

[quote=ECKAdoodles;#167727;1339677283]sabihin mo? tama ba?[/quote]

[quote=ECKAdoodles;#167732;1339677512]hahahaha. SRSLY. Which station do you prefer to be in?
Bakit feeling ko mali grammar ko? Oh well, KEBER.[/quote]