[quote=lLovely.1pis;#189029;1340369680]Do you want to have smex with her ?

Yes double "O" !! Even without "TF"


Do you feel comfortable and ready that time ?

- So you like it ?

- I'm not sure.. cause we just did that with the influence of alcohol...
- Of course I like what happen that time... but I think that's the immature side of me.. the side of me that don't know what's the consequences of what I'm doing...


I'll stop asking you qs.

Hahaha.. actually I like perv questions if it comes from you...

[quote=ELLE;#189047;1340370586]If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?[/quote]
Besides Ftalk members, I want to meet the celebrities I idolizes... Chloe Moretz, Leighton Meester and Demi Lovato..


Hahaha... next time I'll sent you other pics of mine..

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#189132;1340375814]HIGH FUCKING FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

[i]Elib ka nanaman...[/i]

[quote=A I C H;#189188;1340377487]In any order?

All of them at the same time... Manysome..

[quote=ielle;#189238;1340383470]If ever you are a woman, describe yourself.

Cute, sexy

and wild...

(Dalagang Pilipina?
