[quote=the_legend_killer;#214672;1341544445]why in the world are you so emo chicken haired person[/quote]
[quote=iSuperman;#214677;1341544774]Do you have a tattoo?
If you were going to get a tattoo, what tattoo would you get?
3D tattoos
like that spiderman tattoo.. or that robot like tattoo
Do you like Aico?
Veraiconica is likable
If you could live in any house you wanted to, what would it look like?
I have [i]utang[/i] image of dream house to both u and JP
i'll post later
Do you have a gf?
Do you like Aico?
The second time u ask this... I'm a bit confused
Do you watch porn?
I do forn
Are you a yaoi fan?
Hell no!
Do you like techno?
A bit
esp trance
Do you like pirates? How about trees?
pirates yes.. trees yes
Do you like Aico?
For the third time.. YES
[quote=kath;#214935;1341550211]if there's one ftalker that you will be your girlfriend who will it be and why?[/quote]
coz u asked this Q
[quote=Jhncys;#215111;1341553523]Nothing master... Nothing.
I'm blinded because of your hansumness. And because of zeh hentai you recommended to me.
LMAO, you're extraordinary in my eyes... Extraterrestrial kind of extraordinary.
and Im not ur supplier
[quote=Jhncys;#215111;1341553523]And shizzz. I had a dream master!!!! And you were the leading man.
We were walking on zeh beach to find yhet and we stopped by the bench because were freaking tired and then.... You offered m your coke. You're so kuripot in that dream master.
And yes, that's about it.
Are u sure that's all about it?
Ur dream seems pretty real.. im kinda kuripot
[quote=Jhncys;#215111;1341553523]Anyway, question: what is the difference between faithful and loyal IYO.[/quote]
IMHO faithful is like saint
while loyal is mejo bastos