[quote=renz_RN;#246968;1342942026]Yes i am..[/quote]
Define innocent in your own words

The big one ?

[quote=renz_RN;#246968;1342942026]Maybe, m0ney is m0ney![/quote]
If the one who offered is gurang ?

Like 60+ above ?

[quote=renz_RN;#246968;1342942026]At present just 2-4 x a week.[/quote]
Have you been caught fapping?
[quote=renz_RN;#246968;1342942026]I think i haven't yet! Go0d thng![/quote]
Then try it, it's a new experience dude

[quote=renz_RN;#246968;1342942026]Make use of 17 tag.[/quote]
No need.

Have you ever seen someone masturbating ?

^Your dad ? friend ? or a foe ?

Would you rather choose a les or a gay ?

Man to man, woman to woman or man to woman ?

Ever had SOP ?