I saw? Hmm. Theres alot. @Aya, @akosiloys @icegrrrcia, @supernix, @dondon, @Nikko and~ @Bram
Yes, it was an EB
@mention an ftalker you look forward to here?
her trolls makes me lol
@mention someone who you want to replace admin with?
(not that i want to replace admin, just a trick question. Saranghae admin-sama! )
no better guy than @bramzero
but if I had to choose.... @aya seems to be a good candidate.
I am hopeless.
@mention someone you trust. :>
[quote=aya;#266713;1344316144]no better guy than @bramzero
but if I had to choose.... @aya seems to be a good candidate.[/quote]
@uhhhh.. I havent really paid attention to body sizes of ze member. but @PUSH. Im getting fatso
@mention: someone who you wanna be trapped in a place with?
[quote=miczieshane;#268169;1344439311]WE are one space apart during our class.
so i can see her answer.
i have meny mention
K. off topic
[quote=bubblegum;#268043;1344432185]@mention the ftalker you wanna[/quote]
@mention the ftalker you wanna spend your bday with.