[quote=Principe Azheef;#258705;1343569798]What happen when a guy which you hate the most kisses you? What will be your reaction?[/quote]
Of course my first reaction is to punch him. Or maybe slap him hard on the face.


[quote=kath;#258778;1343574378]im here[/quote]
I'm here too.


[quote=kath;#258778;1343574378]what is the sqrt of 1234567890?[/quote]
35136.418286444621616658231167581 is the sqrt of 1234567890.

[quote=kath;#258778;1343574378]do you belive that the children are our future?[/quote]
Yes. And teach them well and let them lead the way.

[quote=kath;#258778;1343574378]how far is the sun from pluto?[/quote]
The average distance is about 5,906,376,272 km or 3,670,052,070 miles (39.48168677 AU).

[quote=kath;#258778;1343574378]who killed lapu lapu?[/quote]
The Assistant of the chef.

[quote=renz_RN;#258817;1343575302]Mine stop that, you're really crazy no doubt..
Im not gentle.. Am not a good man..
an most specially im not gwapo and macho..[/quote]
Yes. I'm crazy. crazy for you.

But for me you are gentleman, a good man, gwapo and macho.