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World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo
Principe Azheef
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World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

[align=center][img][/img][/align] [b]Genderuwo[/b] Genderuwa (from the Java language: "Genderuwo") is a Javanese myths about the kind of the jinn or spirits that manifest human-like apes, big and stout with reddish black color, his body covered with thick hair that grows in the whole body. Genderuwa most widely known in the community in Java, Indonesia. Sundanese people call it "gandaruwo" and the Javanese people generally call it "gendruwo". Habitat dwelling stone fetish is watery, old buildings, large trees that shaded or damp corners of deserted and dark. According to myth, this creature is believed residency center located in forest areas such as Teak Forest Nature Reserve Danalaya, Slogohimo district, about 60 km east of Wonogiri, and in the White Weak, Purwosari, Girimulyo in Kulon Progo, about 60 km west of Yogyakarta. [b]Etymology[/b] Myth genderuwa allegedly rooted in ancient Persian mythology gandarewa. In Persian mythology, Persian water phantom gandarewa is constantly trying to eat the good things that are created in the Persian creation myth and will eventually be defeated by the hero Keresaspa. [b]Mythology Genderuwa in Javanese culture[/b] Genderuwa believed to be able to communicate and make direct contact with humans. Various legends say that genderuwa can change the appearance of her follow the physical form of a man to seduce a fellow human. Genderuwa figures who are believed to be fraudulent and is obscene, because of his love of teasing people, especially women and children. Genderuwa sometimes happy slapping her buttocks, caressing the woman's body when he sleeps, even to move a woman to dress in other people. Genderuwa sometimes appear in the form of a small furry creature that can grow in an instant, genderuwa also fond of throwing stones at the house of the gravel at night. One genderuwa ultimate indulgence is tempting lonely wives abandoned by their husbands or widows, genderuwa sometimes even get to have sex with them. It is believed that the seed than genderuwa can cause a woman becomes pregnant and having children of genderuwa. According to legend, genderuwa Gendam ability to attract women to want to have intercourse with him. Capabilities are also believed to have sex genderuwa very unusual, so that women victims often feel satisfied and pencabulannya extraordinary favors if sex with genderuwa. But victims are usually women who disetubuhi by genderuwa not be conscious of being mates with Genderuwo because Genderuwo will masquerade as the victim's husband or lover in sex. It was also mentioned that have genderuwa libido and sexual desire are great and far above man that he is very easily aroused to see female beauty and make it a creature who likes to seduce women. There is a legend stating genderuwa sometimes happy dwells in the womb of women. Disemayami womb by women who genderuwa will have a high sex drive and unable to restrain his passion. The woman will be happy to have sex. If the female partner was unable to compensate for her passion, so the woman would not hesitate to find another partner. This happens because the woman's arousal is controlled by genderuwa, if the woman had sex, then the genderuwa who is residing in her womb will also feel the pleasure of intimate relationships that women do it. In the Javanese belief, not all genderuwa is evil, there is also a good genderuwa. Genderuwa which is believed to be either typically reveal its form as an old man, dressed in white who look very dignified. Good Genderuwa are not obscene like a sister to his countrymen who are evil, good genderuwa often helped people like to keep the supernatural or the home of people who intend no good, even the robbers. I've Also heard that genderuwa which is good sometimes helps circumcise children from disadvantaged families are devout worship. [b]Origin Genderuwa[/b] The origin genderuwa spirits believed to come from people who died are not perfect, could be due to suicide, the funeral of an imperfect or accident so that the spirits of these people feel curious and not ready to accept his death. Genderuwa can not be seen by ordinary people but at a certain moment he can reveal itself when disturbed. It is believed that not all genderuwa evil, because some are good and their attitude depends on how people behave, whether to friends or enemies with these genderuwa. [b]The myth of ritual summons[/b] Many people believe one way is to burn genderuwa called satay crow. Believed, the crow is the favorite food at the same time genderuwa pets, in this respect as human beings who raise chickens. To perform this ritual, subjects who want to meet with genderuwa believed must follow special procedures to make the sate of crows. The procedure is generally described as follows: after the successful capture of crows, crows are slaughtered with a sharp knife. The reason, the sharpness of the blade will influence whether or not the blood that flows smoothly out of the scar caused; next is plucking the feathers of black crows that rude that really clean. Next, clean meat that had been corrupted as well as when making ingkung chicken. Only then, can be burned in the fireplace. It is believed the most important of these rituals is the pronunciation rapalan special mantra to genderuwa besides smelling food can also hear the call. Mantra genderuwa caller believed to have only a few people and not just any will be notified. The nature of this confidentiality has been widely used for fraud for profit. Believed to be the most appropriate place to perform the ritual this calling is a place that is open, so that the smell of burned crows spread to all directions is carried by the wind and could invite genderuwa visit these places. [b]Myths in Gambling[/b] Ritual invite genderuwa complete with all sejajinya many people do, especially the traditional berkepercayaan in Java. This deals with the rampant gambling toggle formerly known by the term "tail number" or "accurate numbers." These practitioners believe that by inviting genderuwa, the desire to get a lucky number that can be fulfilled and armed with a little courage, great profits they earn will be easy. Unique things that happened in the ritual of calling genderuwa until the request to name the "number telling" is done like a bargain sale and purchase of traders in the market. It is believed that after genderuwa out of their nests after hearing the following mantra rapalan crow baked smell of charred flesh, the practitioner must immediately ask what they want before genderuwa steal or eat crow bait before saying sate demand. Because, if genderuwa been satisfied will soon vanish away without wanting to give the desired answers to their callers. Video Of Genderuwo ([i]Warning! View this at your own risk[/i]): [align=center][spoiler][youtube=400x300][/youtube][/spoiler][/align]

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2012-07-25 10:56:04)

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Re: World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

[quote=Principe Azheef;#252138;1343227972]Genderuwo Genderuwa (from the Java language: "Genderuwo") is a Javanese myths about the kind of the jinn or spirits that manifest human-like apes, big and stout with reddish black color, his body covered with thick hair that grows in the whole body.[/quote] close relative of big foot and yeti :thumbsup:
Principe Azheef
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Re: World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

[quote=kite;#252745;1343278426]close relative of big foot and yeti :thumbsup:[/quote] Yeah kinda! :lol3:
Vilia A.
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Re: World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

OMG! :o U know 'bout that mysteries?, how come?. :D have u seen that "thing", hafeez?. :rolleyes:
Principe Azheef
 ♕Zheefy Harmonia Mysteri…
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Re: World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

[quote=Vilia A.;#292848;1348019282]OMG! :o U know 'bout that mysteries?, how come?. :D have u seen that "thing", hafeez?. :rolleyes:[/quote] Waaaaakakakaaaaaaaaa! Yeah I only convey rumors from ma friend which experience this. Ermmmm ....I have not experience this in personal yet, but trust me I ever came across something worst than this! :lol3:
anesforsaken's display avatar
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Re: World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

^ LOLLLLLLL i better read about ancient aliens than genderuwo......
Principe Azheef
 ♕Zheefy Harmonia Mysteri…
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Re: World Of Mysteries : Genderuwo

[quote=anesforsaken;#338563;1372528116]i better read about ancient aliens than genderuwo......[/quote] I hope you will turn to be an alien soon?! :lol3:

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