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A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

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A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

[img][/img] The Japanese term for this very classy act is Kancho. Kancho is performed by clasping the hands together so that the index fingers are pointed out, and then inserting them into someone’s anal region when they are not looking. If the attack is successful, then the offending party is meant to scream “Kan-CHO” (emphasizing the second syllable). The prank has been featured in anime such as Naruto and there is even a game show where a celebrity routinely kanchos random people. It is also prevalent in South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. In certain countries however, like the United Kingdom, it’s considered sexual harassment and is therefore illegal. Kancho is a slang version of the Japanese word for enema. Each country has its own term for the prank. In Korea that term roughly translate into “poop needle.” In England the prank is referred to as “aimage.” In the Phillippines, the prankster says “Rayyyy....GUN” and then executes the prank. And in Israel the term roughly translates into “My God, what is this shit.” [url=]Source[/url]

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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

WTF...that would get someone's ass kicked for sure :yes2:
 Gregorio H. Del Pilar
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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

Kanchotin :lol3: One thousand years of pain :lol3:
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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

[quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#260637;1343701519]In the Phillippines, the prankster says “Rayyyy....GUN” and then executes the prank. And in Israel the term roughly translates into “My God, what is this shit.”[/quote] Lol. maybe it is called "Ray Gun" because I remember, there was this episode in YuYu Hakusho where Yusuke made fun of Kuwabara by pointing out his index finger into Kuwabara's ass and shouted "Ray Gun!"
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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

In South Korea, it is known as 똥침 which may be romanized as ttong chim, dong chim or ddong chim. The term may be roughly translated to "poop needle". Very popular to preschoolers and elementary students :lol3:
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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

[quote=YouKnowImBad;#261143;1343728702]Lol. maybe it is called "Ray Gun" because I remember, there was this episode in YuYu Hakusho where Yusuke made fun of Kuwabara by pointing out his index finger into Kuwabara's ass and shouted "Ray Gun!"[/quote] Plus, it is one of the most popular anime before. This also reminds me of Kakashi's secret jutsu that he used to Naruto. :lol3: This is the most common trip of my [i]barkadas[/i] when we are having [i]tambay[/i]. :lol3:

Last edited by kite (2012-08-01 00:49:48)

 The Oger
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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

[quote=YouKnowImBad;#261143;1343728702]Lol. maybe it is called "Ray Gun" because I remember, there was this episode in YuYu Hakusho where Yusuke made fun of Kuwabara by pointing out his index finger into Kuwabara's ass and shouted "Ray Gun!"[/quote] Indeed, remember watching this anime(Ghostfigher) :)
Principe Azheef
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Re: A common Japanese prank is sticking one’s finger into someone else’s butt

Whut kinda arts waz that? Such a unique way of makin someone arouse! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-09-15 10:35:16)

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