[quote=Aybs;#262751;1343891548]Welcome back SHe!!!! And ow, I saw my name.

yeah of course you saw it XD *point at it*
[quote=chuie01;#263053;1343911964]welcome back boo[/quote]
heyya chan

[quote=Aiashine;#263818;1343999573]I think you already have an account here. BTW, Welcome Baccccccck[/quote]
forgot the password .__.v
[quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#264386;1344073045]welcome back sherley

thanks MC

[quote=H2o;#265374;1344163887]Welcome back to ftalk

thanks man

[quote=Zyrdred;#265619;1344177999]Welcome back


[quote=kath;#276206;1345554261]welcome back she

kath here
hi kath :DDDD