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China media tell U.S. to "shut up" over South China Sea tensions

 MC ang itawag mo sakin
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China media tell U.S. to "shut up" over South China Sea tensions

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's state-run media ramped up condemnation of the United States on Monday over tensions in the South China Sea, with the Communist Party's top newspaper telling Washington to "Shut up" and charging it with "fanning flames" of division in the region. The Chinese Foreign Ministry's over the weekend condemned a U.S. State Department statement that said Washington was closely monitoring territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and that China's establishment of a military garrison for the area risks "further escalating tensions in the region". The mosaic of rival territorial claims in the South China Sea has become Asia's worst potential military flashpoint. Beijing has said its disputes with Vietnam, the Philippines and other southeast Asian claimants should be settled one-on-one, and it has bristled at U.S. backing for a multilateral approach to solving the overlapping claims. "We are entirely entitled to shout at the United States, 'Shut up'. How can meddling by other countries be tolerated in matters that are within the scope of Chinese sovereignty?," said a commentary in the overseas edition of the People's Daily, an offshoot of the ruling Chinese Communist Party's top newspaper. The main, domestic edition of the newspaper was equally harsh, and accused Washington of seeking to open up divisions between China and its Asian neighbors. "Fanning the flames and provoking division, deliberately creating antagonism with China, is not a new game," said a commentary in the People's Daily domestic edition. "But of late Washington has been itching to use this trick." The ire from Beijing shows the potential for tensions over the South China to fester into a wider diplomatic quarrel, even outright military confrontation remains unlikely. Last week, the People's Daily said China's "core interests" were at stake in its territorial claims across the South China Sea -- language that puts such claims on a similar footing with China's claims of indisputable sovereignty over Tibet and Xinjiang in its west. On Saturday, China's Foreign Ministry said it summoned the Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. embassy in Beijing, Robert Wang, to make "serious representations" about the issue. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang also repeated that China had absolute sovereignty over much of the sea and its myriad islands, and had every right to set up a city for the region, which it did last month. [spoiler]Lets make peace not war :-_-:[/spoiler]

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 Megumi Kairi
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Re: China media tell U.S. to "shut up" over South China Sea tensions

[spoiler]Seriously, I am getting a little bit scared of what will happen between China and Philippines because this issue might lead to war. And Philippines don't have enough strength to handle that war. And well, South China sea or the west Philippine sea or whatever is in the Philippine's territory and I am really wondering why China is claiming it. From the very first place, China don't have right to extend anything because the Philippines own nothing but our country only. I mean heller that's what Philippines got and it is the only one the country has so why bother claiming it as theirs if it is really not theirs righhhhtttt. i mean Urgh. What an issue it is. It's so stressing my bones.[/spoiler] THEY should shut up. Not U.S.

Last edited by bianx (2012-08-06 06:44:23)

 MC ang itawag mo sakin
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Re: China media tell U.S. to "shut up" over South China Sea tensions

[youtube][/youtube] [spoiler]I also don't understand mandarin, but the description said they claim the whole Philippines as their territory not only Philippines but entire South China Sea :aaa:[/spoiler] I think, they're trying to tell the world how powerful Chinese forces are :-_-:
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Re: China media tell U.S. to "shut up" over South China Sea tensions


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 Megumi Kairi
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Re: China media tell U.S. to "shut up" over South China Sea tensions

[quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#266386;1344253866]but the description said they claim the whole Philippines as their territory not only Philippines but entire South China Sea[/quote] [quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#266386;1344253866]I think, they're trying to tell the world how powerful Chinese forces are[/quote] maybe because rich people here are chinese also our current president has a chinese blood. I mean urgghhhhh we can't deny chinese people kinda invaded our country but you know what they're so mean to claim our country as theirs. They don't even help us grow.. I mean you know they get money from us they don't give. I hate that we can't do anything about this issue. It's good to know U.S. is helping us but it looks like we're always depending to them so let's see what will happen next.. :facepalm: [img][/img] :lol2:

Last edited by bianx (2012-08-07 09:51:04)

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