[quote=jechel.eonni;#268505;1344497165]Firstly, not all women nag. Secondly, nagging to a certain extent is fine.[/quote]

[quote=bobcbar;#269019;1344546950]A guy should date any woman he wants...how else will a guy learn to deal with all of those issues

I think these are good advices.
If I was a guy, gunna avoid those kind of women too.

Especially if she does this:
[quote]She calls you every two hours? She messages you every half an hour? She gets upset the moment you look at another woman and throws a fit when you talk to another lady? She likes it when you wear her favourite colours but feels sad when you wear one that she doesn’t like?[/quote]
and this:
[quote]girlfriend to want to be the centre of your life for an indefinite period of time.[/quote]
I am a girl but I hate other girls who have these kind of personalities. Spell P-S-Y-C-H-O?