Congratulations Ms Sylvia!
[quote=FTalk;#275229;1345393008]We only live once, why so serious.
Let's go where there is no path and leave a trail.[/quote]
Yeah why so serious man! Waaaaaaaakakakaaaaaaa I agree 101% wohooooooooo!

[quote=FTalk;#275229;1345393008]My personality changes depending on my surroundings just like a chameleon. I can blend in easily wherever and whenever.
When I tell the truth, no one believes me but when I do the other way around everybody tends to believe.[/quote]
Wow thats good Ms Chameleon theres nothing wrong with that! This is a great survival of life and its rather cool Maam. Waaaaaakakakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[quote=FTalk;#275229;1345393008]Did you know that the longest recorded penis is 13.5 inches. No kidding! click[/quote]
Yeah I ever saw this. Mmmmmmmmmmmm....this guy really rich in potassium in his human hard drive. Waaakakakaaaaaaaaaaa.

[align=center][spoiler]Are you single or married?[/spoiler][/align]
Last edited by Principe Azheef (2012-08-19 21:01:17)