[quote=aicah;#3343;1335537913]Hello there bebe! It's been a long time! Welcome to ftalk![/quote]
--hello there my aicah

thanks and welcome back to you also


[quote=A I C H;#5906;1335589232]Hi Ms. Ephe. How's Mr. Ephe? Is he with you?
See ya around.[/quote]
-- hi aich

Mr.Ephe is pretty busy so he said to be active here and we don't get to talk much tbh, he is THAT busy

IMY see you around too

[quote=koy1991;#8912;1335621355]welcome back bebe[/quote]
-- thanks much koy, welcome back to you too

[quote=the_legend_killer;#13559;1335705631]be active or you will be enlisted to my legend killer list so be active -legend killer[/quote]
-- I AM active!

you should be active too!

[quote=kite;#22013;1335885365]Welcome back ate chiyo. I hope faps vitz will come back here too.[/quote]
--thanks Kite!

dunno if he'll be back...he's very very busy right now