[quote=bianx;#278298;1345869327]Sorry for being straightforward but it is just my opinion[/quote]
What do you expect admin to do? Do you want him to delete all the nonsense topics that have been created on Ftalk and then who would decided whats nonsense and whats not? If he did deleted them there really would not be much too read or do and the forum would die a slow death. Many members come here not only to make new friends but to simply kill time and prevent themself from being bored to death

In my opinion anything within reason someone wants to post is fine...if I don't like the topic then I just ignore it and move to something thats more interesting to me

Again as you have said this is only my opinion

[quote=bianx;#278298;1345869327]I mean heller, are you that shallow that you have nothing to post besides that kind of topics[/quote]
I really don't like being called shallow

even if I am on of the many that posted those topics...that might be an opinion better kept to yourself
Last edited by bobcbar (2012-08-25 02:05:04)