[b]Dragon Nest[/b] is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG developed by Eyedentity. It uses a non-targeting combat system ensuring that players have complete control over every single one of their character's movements. Dragon Nest requires users to advance their characters by teaming up and traveling into instanced dungeons.
Dragon Nest incorporates non-targeting system gameplay to create a fast paced action filled experience. Players choose from a range of hero classes, characters that are of the Dragon Nest storyline that can equip customizable gear and weapons. Devastating skills can also be learned, to increase one's power when defeating monsters in instanced dungeons or defeating other players in PVP.
Dragon Nest also has the advantage of being nearly completely skill based, with lower level characters being able to defeat high level characters in PVP with skill alone. This allows a more experienced player that is of a lower level to dominate a less experienced player of a higher level player in PVP.
Dragon Nest characters exist in worlds. Players can create up to 4 characters per world. These characters cannot interact with one another, with the exception of mailing each other. Players can have 6 choices when creating a character. They are [b]Warrior, Archer, Sorceress, Cleric, Academic and Kali.[/b] The Academic and Kali classes is not yet available in some releases. The Warrior, Archer and Kali class start their journey in Prairie Town (Ironwood Village in NA Version), while the Cleric, Sorceress and Academic classes start their journey in Mana Ridge. After reaching level 15, they can choose to advance to second class, and third class at level 45. At these job advancements, they can choose to further specialize in one aspect of their skill sets.
I am looking for fellow Dragon Nest players here in Ftalk.

Hi! my ign is ********** (If you wanna know my ign, ask me via pm

I am a Majesty in Holywood. Unfortunately, a declining class in DN due to T4 update.

I also have a Sniper tho and I also like how easy it is to use it esp. in PVP.
Trivia: My Majesty has the same age as Holywood server.

You can ask questions here, showcase your character, ask for help/boost, discuss current events, talk about builds or simply post screenshots of DN.
Want to play DN?[/b]
[b]System Requirements:[/b]
Download DN [url=http://dn.cherrycredits.com/download.php]here[/url].
Last edited by aya (2012-12-08 06:21:41)