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Admin's Plans?

Isaac's display avatar
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Admin's Plans?

It would almost be a year since Ftalk moved to a new domain and we all know that its activity has significantly lowered especially in the past months. It's amazing how it still managed to survive for that long. I asked around regarding the possible reasons as to why the once very active forum turned into what it is now. Here's what I discovered. - Registration by invitation (Which admin already answered in a different thread, still looking forward to action.) - The rise of Tumblr. (I honestly don't see how this should be happening as Tumblr's and Ftalk's functionality are very different obviously. I guess it's the fun factor. I know of people who preferred Tumblr over Ftalk.) - The rise of Wattpad which became a better alternative to our literary section. We all have to admit that next to Friendster layouts, it's the stories written by Ftalkers which invited a lot of new and old user alike to actually interact with each other. - The absence of the "What-makes-Ftalk-different" factor. (I think it's just the lack of highlighting of it. We all know Ftalk has the potential to become one of the best online forums ever created (if it is not already one) with its unique badges, reputation, contests and egroup system.) - The absence of contests and battles (Which is branches out from the lack of active members caused by the registration by invitation.) We all love Ftalk. I don't know about you guys but it remains to be a big part of my [online] life and I don't want to see it die. I think it's time that we take action. Here are my suggestions (because I am not the type to complain about something and not help in doing something about it.) - Remove registration by invitation. - Send FB messages to old members and try to bring them back. I'm sure a number would be willing to do so. - Utilize Ftalkers (esp. those who are now famous) to at least write a blog post about their Ftalk experience. I'm sure they're willing to do this if admin asks them. - Promote certain deserving members to moderators as the need arises. Everything should go up from there. New awesome ideas would come with new awesome members and Ftalk would grow not only as a forum but as something even more unique in the future. Leggo Ftalk! :)

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 Gregorio H. Del Pilar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

Yup. I agree on what u said mahn! :) Social networks really affect the Ftalk downtime :lol2: esp FB. and other old members are too busy too just visit the website. And maybe those members really dont even know the current website :lol2: Maybe I can somewhat help in the technical part :) If admin permit me to have access on the user DB, we can integrate Ftalk as an FB app so that other new users can easily register at ftalk :) though I can accept payment through paypal if I will be doing this task :xixi: joke :lol3:
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=Isaac;#322404;1365472422]We all love Ftalk. I don't know about you guys but it remains to be a big part of my [online] life and I don't want to see it die. I think it's time that we take action.[/quote] I should agree with this. :eh: It's just weird how the once active people I knew here weren't going on line anymore. Did something happen? Or was it just because everyone seem to be busy on their own lives now? oh well, I admit that I have been inactive for over a year because I can't seem to manage my time well, juggling all the tasks at hand. But I know it wouldn't hurt to be here and stay connected w/ everyone once in a while. Maybe we need to do something. We can't really start any contest/battle if there's only a few of us here. The first thing we could do is to at least pull these people back here in ftalk. But we cannot force them of course. Let's make this forum as lively as before. :(
 Alex III
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=cropped.head;#322436;1365474010]Maybe I can somewhat help in the technical part If admin permit me to have access on the user DB, we can integrate Ftalk as an FB app so that other new users can easily register at ftalk[/quote] I don't use FB but that would be a great idea. Start a campaign. And since it's been mentioned in Isaac's post that most members have moved to Tumblr, we can start the campaign there. Either through Tumblr Asks or the power of tagged posts. I am active in Tumblr too, and I don't think I see the burden of going on Tumblr [i]and[/i] Ftalk simultaneously. The last time I remember being in this forum was when it was still friendstertalk. I wasn't very active back then and spent most of my online time lurking through the forums. So inasmuch as I want to help in this campaign, I have no big connections to the previous members much less friendship foundations or whatsoever, the least I could do is support. :d
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Re: Admin's Plans?

I think FB has the greatest impact on Ftalk...more and more members play online games and post all their nonsense stuff there :lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=Isaac;#322404;1365472422]Send FB messages to old members and try to bring them back. I'm sure a number would be willing to do so.[/quote] Gahd. It's so hard to pull them out of their caves like seriously. I always ask them to post/participate or whatever, even for a bit. I mean, some of them would, but then the next day (and the next and so forth until you have to call them again) no show.
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Re: Admin's Plans?

Maybe the reasons (could be things, circumstances, persons, etc) that made them active/stay here in ftalk before aren't here anymore.
 Gregorio H. Del Pilar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=aya;#322598;1365515975]Gahd. It's so hard to pull them out of their caves like seriously. I always ask them to post/participate or whatever, even for a bit. I mean, some of them would, but then the next day (and the next and so forth until you have to call them again) no show.[/quote] TRUE that's why.. It would be best to have new members instead :lol: we can't force those old members to stick their ass off here and make ftalk alive just like before with the same members :lol2: we can bring ftalk back by attracting new members to be active. Maybe in some ways, those old members might be delighted and can still log-in at ftalk from their vacant hours :lol2: [quote=Tres;#322474;1365486715]I don't use FB but that would be a great idea. Start a campaign. And since it's been mentioned in Isaac's post that most members have moved to Tumblr, we can start the campaign there. Either through Tumblr Asks or the power of tagged posts. I am active in Tumblr too, and I don't think I see the burden of going on Tumblr and Ftalk simultaneously.[/quote] good idea mahn! :) maybe you can start the campaign there too :lol:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=cropped.head;#322670;1365554261]TRUE that's why.. It would be best to have new members instead :lol:[/quote] I agree. [quote=cropped.head;#322670;1365554261]we can't force those old members to stick their ass off here and make ftalk alive just like before with the same members :lol2:[/quote] True. Let them hang out in Tumblr/FB or wherever if that's what they want. [quote=cropped.head;#322670;1365554261]we can bring ftalk back by attracting new members to be active. Maybe in some ways, those old members might be delighted and can still log-in at ftalk from their vacant hours :lol2:[/quote] :thumbsup: Bring back enemies. They all love drama and war. :lol3: loljk. [quote=yunish;#322615;1365516504]Maybe the reasons (could be things, circumstances, persons, etc) that made them active/stay here in ftalk before aren't here anymore.[/quote] Most of them keep saying they're just too busy. :lol:
Isaac's display avatar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=cropped.head;#322670;1365554261]TRUE that's why.. It would be best to have new members instead we can't force those old members to stick their ass off here and make ftalk alive just like before with the same members we can bring ftalk back by attracting new members to be active. Maybe in some ways, those old members might be delighted and can still log-in at ftalk from their vacant hours[/quote] :thumbsup: New members = New ideas = New fun = Better Ftalk.
 Gregorio H. Del Pilar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=aya;#322673;1365555521]Bring back enemies. They all love drama and war. :lol3: loljk.[/quote] Lets bring unyaa here :lol3: we'd love to see that war between you two :xixi::lol3: hahaha joke [quote=aya;#322673;1365555521]Most of them keep saying they're just too busy. :lol:[/quote] probably :lol2: they are either really busy.. or just cant admit that they found ftalk boring :lol2: [quote=Isaac;#322677;1365564420]New members = New ideas = New fun = Better Ftalk.[/quote] exactly what I mean :) so your number 1 suggestion must be implemented ASAP haha
 Alex III
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=aya;#322673;1365555521]Most of them keep saying they're just too busy. :lol:[/quote] But it'll only take little of their time, or something. Well if they're busy, we're going to have to go to the next option:[quote=Isaac;#322677;1365564420]New members = New ideas = New fun = Better Ftalk.[/quote] Very well said, Isaac.
Isaac's display avatar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

It's comforting to know there are others who care. :lol3: Now waiting for admin's response...
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=cropped.head;#322679;1365565246]Lets bring unyaa here :lol3: we'd love to see that war between you two :xixi::lol3: hahaha joke[/quote] No, I want to see love triangles. :xixi: [quote=Tres;#322682;1365567910]But it'll only take little of their time, or something.[/quote] That's what I told them! Like all the fkken time. :lol3: [quote=Isaac;#322709;1365571198]Now waiting for admin's response...[/quote] [spoiler]That will have to wait, he's honeymooning somewhere I think. :lol2:[/spoiler]
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=aya;#322673;1365555521]Bring back enemies. They all love drama and war. loljk.[/quote] Can't help but to highlight this one. Somehow, I can relate. :) @Isaac: Kudos for all your suggestions. I think it's high time that we plan and execute strategies on bringing new members into the forum. Delete the drama and all the shiz that happened, let's join hands so we can improve the community that we all loved. I hope that a new theme will be available for FT. The old one makes me *insert bored emoticon* here.
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Re: Admin's Plans?

its been a long time, i miss this forum :chew:

Last edited by Natsume (2013-04-10 10:41:59)

kayeelsters's display avatar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=Isaac;#322404;1365472422]- The absence of the "What-makes-Ftalk-different" factor. (I think it's just the lack of highlighting of it. We all know Ftalk has the potential to become one of the best online forums ever created (if it is not already one) with its unique badges, reputation, contests and egroup system.)[/quote] Yeah.. So true. :thumbsup:
bubblegum's display avatar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

Destroy Fb and resurrect Friendster.
bobcbar's display avatar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=bubblegum;#322954;1365662231]Destroy Fb and resurrect Friendster.[/quote] :lol3:
yunish's display avatar
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Re: Admin's Plans?

[quote=kayeelsters;#322929;1365651175]Destroy Fb and resurrect Friendster.[/quote] Bright idea. Hahaha :lol2:

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