Maybe admin needs help with the development tasks. Though I'm not sure

But what I'm sure of is that, there are a lot of ftalkers here that are capable with those tasks..
especially on design tasks that admin might find boring or repetitive tasks? haha
Anyways, working alone is not a bad thing. But working as a team to make things great isn't a bad idea either

Share thoughts, insights on how this community grow.
Assign tasks to people that you know that they are capable of those tasks.
You don't need to shoulder all of those task if there are people willing to do the work for you

Although, Trust is really of the essence here.. especially if you have nurtured this site for years already
and you don't want others to mess it up in an instant

But it will totally depend on you "admin" who are those people you can trust

To get to the point... I want to offer my Web Development skills (If there's any LOL

) to help this community grow.
I'm willing to give my small amount of free time to help with the development tasks you might want to get done to improve "OUR home" Ftalk

I got background with PHP and front-end javascript as a work experience in my previous company. Although, Im more on java web dev now.. but still I can tackle with PHP tasks. I can also tackle Database management tasks if it would be OK for you. Postgres or MySQL.
Maybe I can start with those arcade portion we have back then

If there are other ftalk people out there who are willing to lend a hand with their skills. feel free to post here