[quote][i]Her: K.O.S. o ako?[/i]
[i]Me: *bolero mode activated* eh sino bang girlfriend ko?[/i]
*around a week after*
[i]Her: Roleplay o ako?
Me: .... *walks out*[/i][/quote]
I can't think of any other name for it too, we'll just stick with Cockfighting. Is it bad that if I witnessed that scenario, I'd be laughing my head off? Is that bad? Because that was golden and the guy knew how to pick the right choice
[quote=aya;#340376;1373460792]I'm like totally fine with my bf hanging out with his friends, it's just that my first bf was rly an a-hole.[/quote]
Ahhhhh, so he needed to be leashed even if you weren't the type that leashes her boyfriend?
Because if you didn't, he'd take advantage of it and abuse the freedom? Okay i think I'm already being OT
thanks for this new topic, Hazel. I have a new thread to subscribe to
at least you're not making him choose between his friends and you just get mad at him for his own health's sake
[quote=chaw;#340383;1373462387]Don't get a partner who's a health freak. Because she/he will nag his/her way out of your unhealthy habits.
To everyone who comes across this, take this advice to heart. And mind. Especially to my fellows whose lives are tied with vices
Last edited by Tres (2013-07-10 09:32:22)