Well the rule here is simple just list the books you want to see as a movie and say something about it. Make sure that nobody has ever made it into a film adaptation.
#1 on my list is John Green's Looking For Alaska.
#2 is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
#3 Artemis Fowl. I would really like to see this evil prodigy on screen.
I want to see Thirteen Reasons Why on big screen. I want to see Hannah Baker hold that tape recorder. I want to see Clay going around the places that were stated on the map. I want to see the beautiful ending visually and not just in my mind.
The Game, Neil Strauss
Although I heard rumors that they started filming last year or this year, with James Franco as Mystery, I still haven't read any news or update.
[quote=ielle;#344755;1375444432]All Cassandra Clare's books. AS IN ALL.
Fuck!! I love JACE, ALEC, LUKE, SIMON and most of all I LOVE MAGNUS BANE. [/quote]
Quoted this because I totally agree. 😂✌🏼️