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What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?
Principe Azheef
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What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

Whut will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot till he/she smile and give you scary stare for long period? Awshhh facial expressions got lotz of meanin...sometimes we accept it the wrong way I agree..Yeap you never know everyones different...waakakakaaaa awww never better! wakakaaaaa..that makes me insecure sometimez..I juz cant help by turnin ma eyes to different direction...ROFL...:lol3: ROFL damn! Ever experience thiz? waaakakakaaa it suckz man.Dont be shy do share with us! :P [align=center][img][/img][/align]

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-08-13 07:29:40)

» FTalkGeek
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

With admiration, you meant staring for quite a long time, right? Then I'd only feel awkward and creeped out esp when it's a strangerrr
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

I don't know hahahha I just say thank you to those who end up liking me. But if I like the guy too, then I might reciprocrate it. I don't mind the long stares because I do that too. I used to do that to a guy who would keep on staring at me and whenever I catch him, I stare back, long enough for him to turn away or feel intimidated :lol3: But it's so hard to act normal around my friends when I know one of the group likes me. Most of the time, I just turn the guy down on the spot and make it clear that it's not gonna happen.
Principe Azheef
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[quote=mndrl;#348368;1376412758]With admiration, you meant staring for quite a long time, right? Then I'd only feel awkward and creeped out esp when it's a strangerrr[/quote] Yeah! OMG! :lol3: [quote=chaw;#348369;1376412845]I don't know hahahha I just say thank you to those who end up liking me. But if I like the guy too, then I might reciprocrate it. I don't mind the long stares because I do that too. I used to do that to a guy who would keep on staring at me and whenever I catch him, I stare back, long enough for him to turn away or feel intimidated :lol3: But it's so hard to act normal around my friends when I know one of the group likes me. Most of the time, I just turn the guy down on the spot and make it clear that it's not gonna happen.[/quote] Wakakaaaaaaaaaaaaa you did that? You will even scare away a hungry ghost....waaaaaakakakaaaaaa stop it oh goodness sake! :lol3:
rph's display avatar
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

I won't do anything, look I'm a beautiful guy and I just can't blame them if they can't keep their eyes off me, JUST KIDDIN' :lol2: but I won't make a big deal about it as long as she's keeping her social distance and not invading my private space then I'm fine with it.
Principe Azheef
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[quote=rph;#348523;1376458073]I won't do anything, look I'm a beautiful guy and I just can't blame them if they can't keep their eyes off me, JUST KIDDIN' :lol2: but I won't make a big deal about it as long as she's keeping her social distance and not invading my private space then I'm fine with it.[/quote] Yeap thats the moz important thin...private space! :lol3:
 Alex III
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

Different situations call for different reactions :lol2: I have experienced being told that I'm being admired and I almost always react the same way: smiling at them (and unconsciously on the verge of blushing) and thanking them. Then to avoid things to be awkward, I compliment them in a harmless way (by definition, no flirting intended) and try to engage a conversation with them whether or not I admire them back. As for the staring.. I don't mind it too. In my opinion it's the most subtle way to express the admiration or attraction you feel towards a person. Aaaand, it gives really good giddy feelings when you catch someone giving you an admiring stare :xixi: besides, I stare too. One time I walked into our cafeteria and there were a lot of people (duh) and I caught this girl from the lower year staring at me. I tried to smile at her but she looked away. That happened again a few days after and I got to smile at her before she could look away. She smiled back and it actually felt good. I'm a sucker for acknowledgments and simple things like this make me happy. Okay unless the girl doesn't know personal boundaries and how to respect privacy. Then i'm gunna tell her off in the most polite way i could think of.
Principe Azheef
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[quote=Tres;#348719;1376476253]Different situations call for different reactions :lol2: I have experienced being told that I'm being admired and I almost always react the same way: smiling at them (and unconsciously on the verge of blushing) and thanking them. Then to avoid things to be awkward, I compliment them in a harmless way (by definition, no flirting intended) and try to engage a conversation with them whether or not I admire them back. As for the staring.. I don't mind it too. In my opinion it's the most subtle way to express the admiration or attraction you feel towards a person. Aaaand, it gives really good giddy feelings when you catch someone giving you an admiring stare :xixi: besides, I stare too. One time I walked into our cafeteria and there were a lot of people (duh) and I caught this girl from the lower year staring at me. I tried to smile at her but she looked away. That happened again a few days after and I got to smile at her before she could look away. She smiled back and it actually felt good. I'm a sucker for acknowledgments and simple things like this make me happy. Okay unless the girl doesn't know personal boundaries and how to respect privacy. Then i'm gunna tell her off in the most polite way i could think of.[/quote] Wow thankz for sharin your opinion with us! waaaaaakakakaaaaaaaa you could be the next Romeo Sir! I salute you for who you are DWUW! :lol3:
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

@ot [spoiler]what does DWUW means, hazeef? :lol2: [i]Do What U Want? Damn Woman U Wussy?[/i] hahahahah I apologize for this. :<[/spoiler]
Principe Azheef
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[spoiler][quote=Pawws;#348891;1376507400]what does DWUW means, hazeef? :lol2: Do What U Want? Damn Woman U Wussy? hahahahah I apologize for this. :<[/quote] Im not Hazeef juz call me Zheef or Zheefy bb! waaaakakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeap "Do Whut You Want" rofl...........not Damn Woman U Wussy awryt! waaaakakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! No need apologize no worries itz a part of havin fun I understand! :lol3:[/spoiler] :lol3:
» FTalkGeek
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

I think I misunderstood the question before :-_-: I don't mind if people stare at me because they admire me. It is actually flattering. Keyword here is admire. If they stare for another reason, that's when it gets creepy

Last edited by mndrl (2013-08-15 02:39:17)

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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

Flattered.. then, I will be so curious on what he sees in me, what made him feel that way to me. :giggle:
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[quote=Principe Azheef;#348094;1376393261]Whut will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot[/quote] 웃어요 왜냐하면 기분이 좋아요 ㅋㅋㅋ [quote=Principe Azheef;#348094;1376393261]he/she smile and give you scary stare for long period?[/quote] when someone stares at me and smile, well I would smile back but a scary stare is a lot different :aaa: that depends on what level that scary stare is. If he stares at me like he's undressing me, well I'd better run away fast :run: b/c that's no longer a sign of admiration :mg:
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

Flattered and thankful :)
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

Flattered x100000
michiiella's display avatar
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

One time, my friend and I were power walking to school coz we're already late for our class. Suddenly, I heard someone saying "Miss" behind me. Thinking that I dropped something, I turned around to face him. When I turned, he began talking, stuttering, me only catching the words 'cute' and 'number'. I was shocked coz I don't know him, as in he's a total stranger and crazy things were running in my head. I was already thinking of self-defense should he be a bad person. Because I was already fumbling with words, good thing my friend was there to help me and he told the guy that we were already late for school and we power walked again. That's why when it comes to strangers, I freeze up and have no reaction at all esp. when guys are the ones who talk to me. But, when I know or am friends with the person, I compliment and tell that I admire him/her as well.

Last edited by michiiella (2013-08-17 07:28:25)

asawanibatman's display avatar
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[quote=chaw;#348369;1376412845]I just say thank you to those who end up liking me.[/quote] this :lol3: well usually i'd just befriend him and show him all my ugly/weird mannerisms so he'd stop liking me :ninja: HAHAHA
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

Yeah. Or if I really don't want him to like me, I'd tell him I'm a lesbian. Sorry HAHHAHAHAHA I tried it once and it worked. But I don't feel so comfortable lying to people about my sexual orientation :lol2:
Jea's display avatar
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

This is my problem my prof. do this kind of stuff staring at you wink smile call u every time and even asked my number. :lol: I feel awkward but Flattered at the same time but my friends advised me to ignore him, don't be too much showy that I like the attention cuz I might fall for him that kind of stuff and he's my prof :shrug: so I did and he gets mad at me :xixi: argghh now I'm confused.But I always flirt :lol3: :lol3:

Last edited by Jea (2013-08-17 12:05:39)

Principe Azheef
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Re: What will be your reaction if someone really admires you alot?

[quote=mndrl;#349078;1376548418]I don't mind if people stare at me because they admire me. It is actually flattering. Keyword here is admire. If they stare for another reason, that's when it gets creepy[/quote] Yeap thatz whut I mean! ROFL! :lol3: [quote=ECKAdoodles;#349457;1376611290]Flattered.. then, I will be so curious on what he sees in me, what made him feel that way to me. :giggle:[/quote] Wow! Thiz is whut we call by love that makez the world go round bb! DWUW! :lol3: [quote=sj0405;#350021;1376699834]when someone stares at me and smile, well I would smile back but a scary stare is a lot different :aaa: that depends on what level that scary stare is. If he stares at me like he's undressing me, well I'd better run away fast :run: b/c that's no longer a sign of admiration :mg:[/quote] Wakakakaaaaaaaa you never ever make me stop laughin wont you? waaakakaka thatz an extremely strong humor you've got there! wakakakaaaaa whut you say waz true but watch your steps while runnin Ate SJ! ROFL! :lol3: [quote=mrjpc07;#350063;1376708407]Flattered and thankful :)[/quote] Amen! :thumbsup: :lol3: [quote=chaw;#350126;1376719072]Flattered x100000[/quote] Hey why not make it to x999999? :lol3: [quote=michiiella;#350339;1376738797]One time, my friend and I were power walking to school coz we're already late for our class. Suddenly, I heard someone saying "Miss" behind me. Thinking that I dropped something, I turned around to face him. When I turned, he began talking, stuttering, me only catching the words 'cute' and 'number'. I was shocked coz I don't know him, as in he's a total stranger and crazy things were running in my head. I was already thinking of self-defense should he be a bad person. Because I was already fumbling with words, good thing my friend was there to help me and he told the guy that we were already late for school and we power walked again. That's why when it comes to strangers, I freeze up and have no reaction at all esp. when guys are the ones who talk to me. But, when I know or am friends with the person, I compliment and tell that I admire him/her as well.[/quote] So start defrostin yourself next time! ROFL! :lol3: [quote=asawanibatman;#350350;1376739149]this :lol3: well usually i'd just befriend him and show him all my ugly/weird mannerisms so he'd stop liking me :ninja: HAHAHA[/quote] Wakakakaaaaaaa thatz a savin thing...don't you think you're juz to mean? Kiddin! ROFL! :lol3: [quote=chaw;#350458;1376749459]Yeah. Or if I really don't want him to like me, I'd tell him I'm a lesbian. Sorry HAHHAHAHAHA I tried it once and it worked. But I don't feel so comfortable lying to people about my sexual orientation :lol2:[/quote] Why Lesbo? waaakakakaaaaa....Chaw you may join Ms Asawanibatman and team up to be a Devil ninja! Kiddin bro! ROFL! :lol3: [quote=Jea;#350504;1376755491]This is my problem my prof. do this kind of stuff staring at you wink smile call u every time and even asked my number. :lol: I feel awkward but Flattered at the same time but my friends advised me to ignore him, don't be too much showy that I like the attention cuz I might fall for him that kind of stuff and he's my prof :shrug: so I did and he gets mad at me :xixi: argghh now I'm confused.But I always flirt :lol3: :lol3:[/quote] Sounds like you enjoyin playin with fire! Kiddin! ROFL! wakakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-08-17 21:25:30)

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