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Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?
Principe Azheef
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Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[align=center][img][/img][/align] Whut are the things you hate to share with the others? It may happen in your home when any of your family members took away somethin from you too without your permissions........It could be your personal belongings, any objects/stuffs or maybe your personal problems of your own....don't keep things to yourself and burden your life as feel free share em with us here to enlighten your thoughts. Live as if itz your laz day in thiz world...remember you deserves to be happy....dont be shy! ROFL! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-08-18 11:18:49)

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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

my diary :facepalm:
 Alex III
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[b]my phone[/b] - the ones who want to borrow my phone are [i]always[/i] the same ones who wanted to go through my inbox. i don't borrow their phones unless it's really necessary; i'd like them to give me the same courtesy. [b]pack of cigarettes[/b] - my fellow smokers abuse my generosity in giving them a stick or two. it's goddamned expensive now thanks to the Sin tax, so nope. I won't share anymore unless it's someone I'm really really close to. [b]a bag of M&Ms[/b] - self explanatory aaaand [b]a significant other[/b].
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[spoiler]I don't like sharing my food unless I know I can't finish it. I don't ask people to give me food, so they shouldn't expect me to give them some. I'm so harsh but see, even my bestfriend got mad at me for eating all her pringles HAHAHHAHA I don't like telling people about my past or the horrible, shameful things that I did. But if they ask and their intentions are good, then I'd be courageous enough to talk about it :um: I don't want anybody touching my guitar pick. I don't mind sharing rooms but sharing my bed with somebody is another story. And I'm never gonna share my favorite pen, the skirts that I bought with my own money, and my homework/exam/quiz answers with anyone. :B[/spoiler]
Principe Azheef
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=JaChriz;#352257;1377137042]my diary :facepalm:[/quote] Wow you juz the same as I do! Well but I dont call that as ma Diary bb! :lol3: [quote=Tres;#352284;1377140544]my phone - the ones who want to borrow my phone are always the same ones who wanted to go through my inbox. i don't borrow their phones unless it's really necessary; i'd like them to give me the same courtesy. pack of cigarettes - my fellow smokers abuse my generosity in giving them a stick or two. it's goddamned expensive now thanks to the Sin tax, so nope. I won't share anymore unless it's someone I'm really really close to. a bag of M&Ms - self explanatory aaaand a significant other.[/quote] Yeap sometimez people do take advantages on us when we're too nice I agree! They so brilliant arent they? ROFL... Never better! :facepalm: :lol3: [quote=chaw;#352302;1377142799]I don't like sharing my food unless I know I can't finish it. I don't ask people to give me food, so they shouldn't expect me to give them some. I'm so harsh but see, even my bestfriend got mad at me for eating all her pringles HAHAHHAHA I don't like telling people about my past or the horrible, shameful things that I did. But if they ask and their intentions are good, then I'd be courageous enough to talk about it :um: I don't want anybody touching my guitar pick. I don't mind sharing rooms but sharing my bed with somebody is another story. And I'm never gonna share my favorite pen, the skirts that I bought with my own money, and my homework/exam/quiz answers with anyone. :B[/quote] [quote=chaw;#352302;1377142799]I don't like sharing my food unless I know I can't finish it. I don't ask people to give me food, so they shouldn't expect me to give them some. I'm so harsh but see, even my bestfriend got mad at me for eating all her pringles HAHAHHAHA I don't like telling people about my past or the horrible, shameful things that I did. But if they ask and their intentions are good, then I'd be courageous enough to talk about it :um: I don't want anybody touching my guitar pick. I don't mind sharing rooms but sharing my bed with somebody is another story. And I'm never gonna share my favorite pen, the skirts that I bought with my own money, and my homework/exam/quiz answers with anyone. :B[/quote] Hey I dont see anythin wrong with that coz you are alwayz you.....waaakakakaaa juz that Im lil different from you I will usually share some of ma food when ma friends with me...maybe I feel abit uneasy eatin alone without share a lil..but a lil not much..waaakakakaa especially when Im hungry and angry...waaakakakaaaaa! :giggle: I never expect you guyz gonna post here...coz this topic, itz been silent for quite sometime..thank you FTalkers! :lol3: Amffff..... as for me I juz dont like sharin ma drinkin cup to any family members or friends......if they use ma cup I will get mad very if itz a very big issue...well actually itz nothin...but it turns out to be somethin! ROFL! waaakakakaaa! :lol3:
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

For hygienic reasons, I dont like sharing my toothbrush :lol3: as well as my phone, there was this one time when my classmate borrowed my phone just to take selfies (I dont even take a photo of myself and she got the guts to take selfies using my phone and worse she asked me to upload it, maderpaker). Since then, i never let anyone to touch my 5110 :lol3:
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

I don't like people checking my inbox and gallery. Not that I'm keeping anything but those are too private. I also don't like sharing very personal stories esp how I feel about them. Don't like being an open book to people like everybody knows I've gone through this and that. I actually don't like my sister borrowing my shoes because she kinda drags her feet when walking. I like my sneakers clean and in good condition :lol3: I also don't like sharing my drink and used utensils (spoon, fork). I don't mind sharing with my family and REALLY REALLY close friends but I can't do that with other people. Once, after my close friend took a sip from my drink, two of my classmates approached me and asked for a sip as well. I was like "Uhmm... wait a minute" then I stared at my half full cup. Our relationship has not reached yet the level where we can drink from the same cup =| This sounds sexist but they're also guys...

Last edited by mndrl (2013-08-22 05:40:32)

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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

I don't like sharing seats. It makes me feel awkward and claustrophobic. And oh, my comb.
Principe Azheef
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=riz;#352432;1377160734]For hygienic reasons, I dont like sharing my toothbrush :lol3: as well as my phone, there was this one time when my classmate borrowed my phone just to take selfies (I dont even take a photo of myself and she got the guts to take selfies using my phone and worse she asked me to upload it, maderpaker). Since then, i never let anyone to touch my 5110 :lol3:[/quote] Yeah man I hate sharin toothbrush too! Thatz so sick! ROFL! :lol3: [quote=oniongurl;#352568;1377178272]I don't like sharing seats. It makes me feel awkward and claustrophobic. And oh, my comb.[/quote] Yeah old people use to say sharin sit will cause you to have abscess/pimple in your ass! waaakakakaaaa not whether itz true! ROFL! I have never experience thiz one! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-08-22 10:29:07)

 Hyper !
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

My answers in exams... I admit that I'm cheating also, but I don't want others cheats on me.. (i'm greedy) :evil: :lol:
Principe Azheef
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=mrjpc07;#353424;1377306890]My answers in exams... I admit that I'm cheating also, but I don't want others cheats on me.. (i'm greedy) :evil: :lol:[/quote] Ermmmm theres no ryt and wrong for me I feel that sometimez in life we can't be too straight..........waakakakaaaaaaaa work smart......but too much cheatin could cause danger Im scared of Karma dude! Nvm when we use to be kids we did lotz of shits! ROFL! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-08-24 12:45:00)

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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

I do not like it when people reads my journals and my blog. I write everything in there, it's something sacred and personal. Also when people barges into my room without having the decency to knock. I also dont like it when people get stuff in my room without permission. What's in there, stays there. Don't touch it unless you're going to put it back on the same exact place. :unimpressed:
Principe Azheef
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=Pawws;#354268;1377365877]I do not like it when people reads my journals and my blog. I write everything in there, it's something sacred and personal. Also when people barges into my room without having the decency to knock. I also dont like it when people get stuff in my room without permission. What's in there, stays there. Don't touch it unless you're going to put it back on the same exact place. :unimpressed:[/quote] Oh gosh wow Sacred! too I hate people take ma personal stuff without ma permission....make sure if you take it place it back to the ryt place....and make sure that Im not aware of it, thatz the moz important! Im a silly ass! ROFL! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2013-08-24 21:09:47)

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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=Tres;#352284;1377140544]aaaand [b]a significant other.[/b][/quote] Same here, I don't like it when some people try to steal her attention, when it comes to my girl, I'm very, [i]very[/i] territorial. and also I don't like sharing my breathe mints, they're like drugs. Too pricey to give away.
 Jhade Concepcion
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

French fries. Srsly. :no2:
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=mrjpc07;#353424;1377306890]My answers in exams...[/quote] This. Sorry [i]madamot[/i] ako :lol3: [b]Slippers.[/b] I have a small feet so when someone used my slippers it became bigger. [b]Phone.[/b] Do they know the word PRIVACY? [b]Books.[/b] Because I don't want to see scratches, torn pages and stains of food, pen or pencil on my books.
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

Chocolates. Hands off if you value your physical well-being :lol2:
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

[quote=kitsune11;#355986;1377591780][b]Slippers.[/b] I have a small feet so when someone used my slippers it became bigger.[/quote] This. Same reason and they have their own slippers so why not use theirs right? [b]towel[/b] - I hate it whenever someone used mine. [b]mugs[/b] - I bought my own mug so obviously I don't want someone to use it.

Last edited by ielle (2013-08-29 08:17:48)

I'm gorjaaaaaas 🤰🏻
 John Capili
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

my mirror....Friends lie but mirrors dont.....
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Whut are the things you hate to share with the others?

Food... when I'm fucking hungry. :lol3: Cigarette :-_-: Personal stuff like face towel, undies, toothbrush, shaver, even my bath scrubber (that's just gross) Toiletries (go buy your own) New things (wait until I get tired of it) Just about anything important to me..

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