[quote=JaChriz;#352257;1377137042]my diary

Wow you juz the same as I do! Well but I dont call that as ma Diary bb!

[quote=Tres;#352284;1377140544]my phone - the ones who want to borrow my phone are always the same ones who wanted to go through my inbox. i don't borrow their phones unless it's really necessary; i'd like them to give me the same courtesy.
pack of cigarettes - my fellow smokers abuse my generosity in giving them a stick or two. it's goddamned expensive now thanks to the Sin tax, so nope. I won't share anymore unless it's someone I'm really really close to.
a bag of M&Ms - self explanatory
aaaand a significant other.[/quote]
Yeap sometimez people do take advantages on us when we're too nice I agree! They so brilliant arent they? ROFL... Never better!

[quote=chaw;#352302;1377142799]I don't like sharing my food unless I know I can't finish it. I don't ask people to give me food, so they shouldn't expect me to give them some. I'm so harsh but see, even my bestfriend got mad at me for eating all her pringles HAHAHHAHA
I don't like telling people about my past or the horrible, shameful things that I did. But if they ask and their intentions are good, then I'd be courageous enough to talk about it

I don't want anybody touching my guitar pick.
I don't mind sharing rooms but sharing my bed with somebody is another story.
And I'm never gonna share my favorite pen, the skirts that I bought with my own money, and my homework/exam/quiz answers with anyone.

[quote=chaw;#352302;1377142799]I don't like sharing my food unless I know I can't finish it. I don't ask people to give me food, so they shouldn't expect me to give them some. I'm so harsh but see, even my bestfriend got mad at me for eating all her pringles HAHAHHAHA
I don't like telling people about my past or the horrible, shameful things that I did. But if they ask and their intentions are good, then I'd be courageous enough to talk about it

I don't want anybody touching my guitar pick.
I don't mind sharing rooms but sharing my bed with somebody is another story.
And I'm never gonna share my favorite pen, the skirts that I bought with my own money, and my homework/exam/quiz answers with anyone.

Hey I dont see anythin wrong with that coz you are alwayz you.....waaakakakaaa juz that Im lil different from you I will usually share some of ma food when ma friends with me...maybe I feel abit uneasy eatin alone without share a lil..but a lil not much..waaakakakaa especially when Im hungry and angry...waaakakakaaaaa!

I never expect you guyz gonna post here...coz this topic, itz been silent for quite sometime..thank you FTalkers!

Amffff..... as for me I juz dont like sharin ma drinkin cup to any family members or friends......if they use ma cup I will get mad very easily....as if itz a very big issue...well actually itz nothin...but it turns out to be somethin! ROFL! waaakakakaaa!