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~*! Tutorial || Diagonal Line Pattern*~

#1  2013-10-19 10:03:27

kayeelsters's display avatar
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~*! Tutorial || Diagonal Line Pattern*~

[align=center]I've been looking for this kind of tuts a long time ago. And now that I found this, I would just like to share this. I hope this will help anyone. [quote]This simple tutorial will teach you how to quickly use this pattern with any of your creations.[/quote] [hr] [b]Step 1 :[/b] You'll begin by creating a new image by going to File->New and setting the dimensions to 3 pixels in height and 3 in width on a transparent background. [img][/img] [b]Step 2:[/b] Press D and select the pencil tool. [img][/img] Click on the arrow that's pointing down beside 'Brush' in the options bar. Now adjust the size of the pencil by setting the master diameter to 1px and make sure the Mode is set to normal. [img][/img] [b]Step 3:[/b] Zoom in as much as possible by continuously pressing Ctrl and + together on your keyboard until you can't zoom in any more. With your pencil tool, draw a diagonal line that climbs from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. [img][/img] [b]Step 4:[/b] Next, go to Edit ---> Define Pattern from the top menu and in the text box that pops up, type 'dlines' for the name and click ok. [b]Step 5:[/b] Open up the image you would like to incorporate the dlines in ,create a new layer by going to Layer ---> New ---> Layer and select the Paint Bucket Tool. [img][/img] [b]Step 6:[/b] From the drop down menu beside "Fill" in the Options Menu, select Pattern and make sure the mode is set to Normal. [img][/img] [b]Step Up[/b] Next, simply click anywhere on your design and the diagonal lines will fill the layer. [hr] Here's my 1st successful attempt: [img][/img] [/align]

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