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Monster 15-inch Rat Terrorises Family

 Aya Shirayuki
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Monster 15-inch Rat Terrorises Family

[b][li]A 15-inch 'Viking rat' caught in a suburb to the Swedish capital[/li] [li]Family got suspicious when their cat refused to go into the kitchen[/li] [li]Giant rodent had gnawed its way in and was living behind the dishwasher[/li][/b] [img][/img] The family did not discover their gigantic guest until it was time to take out the bins. ‘I was terrified. It was so huge that I barely saw what it was and I jumped up on the kitchen table,’ Signe Bengtsson-Korsås told Aftonbladet. The rat had made itself comfortable behind the family’s dishwasher and even caused a leak by chewing its way through the waterpipes. Despite attempts from Mrs Bengtsson-Korsås and her two children to scare the rodent, the ‘Viking rat’ only grew bolder and eventually dared to venture out on the kitchen floor. Exterminators were called in and placed industry-sized traps to catch the rat, and less than a day later one of them snapped. However, when the family checked, the trap was gone. The rat was so powerful that it had carried the trap with it, snapped around its neck. ‘It didn’t die when it went into the trap, but scurried away. It went underneath a wooden plant, where it got stuck and choked itself to death,’ Mr Bengtsson-Korsås said. ‘It was the biggest rat I have ever seen, and it looked like itwas in good shape as the fur was nice,’ he added.
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Re: Monster 15-inch Rat Terrorises Family

ew this is so gross. they prolly never clean their kitchen
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Monster 15-inch Rat Terrorises Family

[i]Grabe [/i];o Our dog is in same size of that rat. [quote=aya;#389519;1395857933]Family got suspicious when their cat refused to go into the kitchen[/quote] even the cat got scared. :no3:
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Re: Monster 15-inch Rat Terrorises Family

damn that is huge rat :O
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Monster 15-inch Rat Terrorises Family

Hey, has anyone seen "Brain Dead"? :lol3: It's an old school horror movie but I rly enjoyed watching it hahaha. This 15 inch rat reminded me of the Rat Monkey of Sumatra in the film. [img][/img] [url=]They should totally remake this film coz it's so funny. If you got bitten by it, first you'll rot while you're still alive and then you eventually die and turn into the undead.[/url] This film's rly disgusting so prepare your stomach. Hahaha.

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