[quote=Pawws;#390281;1396193365]what are your favorite local bands?

Is Daniel Padilla a band HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Franco and Up Dharma Down

[quote=aya;#390288;1396194866]Is that an arm behind you?

[quote=Pawws;#390293;1396195610]^that pakipot smile tho

It's an arm behind me and it's my cousin's. Please don't try to scare me and tell it's an apparition or something

Does it look like a pakipot smile? Do you think it's cute pakipot?

[quote=sarcastickidsoldier;#390301;1396197791]Your first impression on paw?
Did anyone told you before that you look like angelito ang batang ama?

Let me see. Pawwwww. TV Show enthusiast. If I remember well, she used a photo of Olivia Wilde as an avatar but she didn't know it was her

then I got to know her and it turned out she really is a tv show enthusiast.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah man, I've been told once or twice. When I was younger it was Makisig Morales.
[quote=aya;#390304;1396198597]If you're a girl, would you date Rai?[/quote]
Who wouldn't want to date a [i]hapon[/i] L look-alike though HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[quote=Pawws;#390309;1396201551]first impression on rai? and aya? and chaw?
do you find rai hot and attractive? how come?

pogi. The first time I ran into him online was when he posted in real life photo.
cunning. Oh come on. I'm pretty sure everyone in this forum knows how aya's mind goes

former jejemon. hahahahahahahaha i'm sorry chaw


Okay this is hard. But I'm going to pick Morena

[quote=des;#390331;1396221180]What's your all-time favorite book?
What sports do you play?
If Mommeh Aya happened to be single, would you date her?
Who's your favorite MMFD character and why?[/quote]

- My all time favorite book is Looking For Alaska by John Green
- I play volleyball! Man I suck in basketball.
- If I'm single too and if she takes me, yes I would.
- Finn Nelson! Because he's the shy type but among the gang, it's him who has the best and most matured life decisions. He seems to always have his shit pulled together