Age started: 19 (but my first puff was 16)
Age now: 18
Currently smoking: Marlboro lights forever. (Gold)
How many: At least 6 sticks daily. About 2.5 softpacks in a week.
Age started: 17
Age now: 18
Currently smoking: Marlboro black
How many: I only has the chance to smoke whenever we drink or I'm hiding somewhere in our univ...I'd say, thrice a month
Age started: 16
Age now: Old enough
Currently smoking: I smoke different strains. Oh, and Marlboro Ice Blast.
How many: Few hits whenever I'm happy, not a dependent though|halfpack a day.
Age started: 20 years old
Age now: 26
Currently smoking: (brand of cig) Marloboro Lights and Hope
How many: ( daily or weekly) Average of 4-7 sticks per day