[quote=Aybs;#399693;1398149564]I don't really get the point having beauty pageants, even miss earth which as the purpose of promoting environmental awareness chorva.
I think these kind of contests affect the society negatively. They only focuses on the outer beauty, nice bodies, pretty faces blah blahh.. we do not know, maybe these women are bitches who just want fame. How about the not-so-pretty girls who really wants to join the pageants bc of its mission?[/quote]
wooooo this is a good point.
But I guess, this kind of contest isn't stupid either. I think it is kind of beneficial when it comes to uniting all the countries/barangay/provinces of the world. It just becomes negative, when, people think that it brings negativity. like, when people think of what ivy said, but when you see it on the brighter side, beauty contests just want to appreciate the beauty of women, acknowledge how smart women are, and how beauty and grace should be represented by us (women).
And also, not all the beauty queens are beautiful. Some are uglier than me you know

but they can join because they have sexier body and more flawless skin than me.

maybe they just want to promote healthier lifestyle? who knows,

but i don't really think it's stupid. hehe