Hi everyone. Im inviting everyone to play badminton with me and with the rest of the members of ftalk whose interested play badminton. Aside from that, you will meet new friends. It would be fun, ayt?! Let set the date and place na. Yey.
[quote=Principe Azheef;#406252;1399553689]Count meh in! [/quote]
Yey. Who else? Just for fun guys. For those who works alot like me, its time to take
a break. C'mon. Lets play badminton.
By the way, where do you guys live in? Near Manila area? Makati area?
I just played badminton in my life because it was a course requirement lol and one time when someone from the work office organized a sports sesh lol I suck at it and swear I don't have any plans to be good at it 🙄