Have you ever been in an open relationship?
- I've never been in any serious relationship I kinda hate it

What are your thoughts about it?
- I support it 100% because I think other people are truly capable of loving more than one person and being committed to them. I know a lot of polyamorous people online who have long-lasting multiple concurrent relationships. I've learned a lot from them---especially how to face and fix insecurities and manage jealousy.
If your partner asked for this one, will you consent?
- Nope, non-monogamy is a deal breaker---not because I'm a jealous person or selfish ([i]jealousy can be fixed as well as selfishness[/i]), but because I don't have the emotional capacity to have intimate connections with a lot of people due to my extreme introversion, and so I want a partner who's also the same because mono/poly relationship doesn't work well. Compatibility is important.
I've been reading a lot about non-monogamy since last year because I didn't like the idea at first. But after some time I started to see it as a good alternative for people who don't fit monogamy.
I won't hate my partner for wanting it---people change overtime. They may want monogamy at first, but that doesn't guarantee they will still want it in the future. We'll break up, but since I'm sure that my partner will be a well-chosen person, I know that I'll still want to keep her in my life.
Her wanting non-monogamy doesn't mean I become unlovable or 'not enough'. Her wanting non-monogamy is just that---her wanting it.
It has nothing to do with me and my [i]awesomeness[/i], I won't take it personally.
I'll support her.