hey waka waka i'll give you this hot chicks..
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[quote=merix;#347945;1376369037]hey waka waka i'll give you this hot chicks..[/quote]
Whose that your gangs huh? No thankz...wakakakaaaaa you mad!
[quote=Principe Azheef;#347948;1376369130]Whose that your gangs huh? No thankz...wakakakaaaaa you mad![/quote]
in the philippines they called them "the immortals" hahaha
misty (pokemon char) haha
[quote=merix;#347953;1376369408]in the philippines they called them "the immortals" hahaha[/quote]
Immortals? Whut the fuffffff....? waaakakakaaaaaa
[quote=merix;#347953;1376369408]misty (pokemon char) haha [/quote]
Paw for him!