Yu-bin of Wonder Girls Named Among World's 25 'Sexiest Musicians'
Wonder Girls' Yu-bin has been selected as one of the world’s sexist musicians. She recently ranked 20th on the list of the 25 Sexist Musicians Under 25 by ComplexMusic, a famous U.S. music site.
American pop diva Rihanna topped the list, followed by Rita Ora, who is being dubbed the next Rihanna, and Sky Ferreira, a fashion icon for teenagers.
Yu-bin is the only Korean singer on the list. ComplexMusic feted Yubin for being a great singer and rapper. She gained popularity in the country with her tanned skin and husky voice when Wonder Girls began targeting the U.S. market in 2009.
[b]Sorry I don't get there are many female musicians much prettier :yes2[/b]: