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» FTalkFreak
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Se7en Deadly Sins

How to Drink Without Getting Drunk

[quote=donzkie;#153126;1339147076]Eat before a drinking session Never begin drinking on an empty stomach. Yes, the booze hits you way quicker if you haven’t had anything, but that’s not the thing we’re going for here, are we? So, get something substantial in your stomach before you start drinking. A full tummy will keep you away from drinking too much.[/quote] this :chew: [quote=donzkie;#153126;1339147076]Distract yourself When you feel you’re getting the urge to drink, talk to your friends, or hit on the girl sitting close by, or get to the dance floor. Call someone on your phone. Check the food menu. Listen to the music. Go to the loo. Do something to take your mind off the booze. Have a close friend constantly remind you that you’ve had enough. But you should obviously listen to him, or else he will just look like a fool if you start abusing him and tell him he should mind his boundaries.[/quote] this :lol2: [quote=donzkie;#153126;1339147076]Deceive and lie If people are constantly pestering you to drink: ‘What nonsense Sharma? Where’s your drink? Waiter, get Sharma ji’s drink.’, then you need to find a way out. Get a glass of apple juice or coke or soda and lemon wedge. People will still think it is cocktail with whisky or rum or that it’s gin and tonic. Fool them and later laugh, when they get pissed drunk, instead of you.[/quote] and this :lol3: I deceive them. When they're not looking at me, and they are busy making jokes and telling stories, I throw away the drink as fast as I could. :lol3:

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