[quote=Sweeneytodd;#325431;1366827059]i am somewhat annoyed though with the bratty / potato head main kid in the first 2 episode.[/quote]
Yes! I agree. He was kind of annoying at first. xD
[spoiler][quote=Sweeneytodd;#325431;1366827059]i adored how he kinda failed the string hanging test and get laughed , later on found out it was rusty thats why.[/quote]
I felt super sorry for him to be honest especially when the other recruits were making fun of him. I know he was such an ass for saying sth like "Those who do not have the strength (or talent whatever) doesn't belong here" so he did deserve the criticism but still, you gotta admire his tenacity despite the humiliation.[/spoiler]
[quote=Sweeneytodd;#325431;1366827059]gotta love those titan faces running in the cities naked

Dude. That sounds gay.

You have a thing for ball-less giants wrecking havoc?

I've read a few chapters in the manga and it's so so good. Keeps getting better!

Yes to more gore.