Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?
No, it should be ban. But the [b]Government[/b] allowed this along with alcoholic drinks because it destroy our [b]internal organs[/b] and our [b]capacity to think[/b] (or more in our body and mind) yet they are warning us to stop smoking because [b]IT'S DANGEROUS TO OUR HEALTH[/b] and even showing us graphic pictures in the product when you smoke and when what happen to your lungs when you DO smoke.
(How stupid can those people in the Government get?)
It's not a turn off, it's killing you. [i]Slowly.[/i] especially for girls.
Sorry for those who smoke/drink alcohol.
Sorry if I included the alcohol here but it is synonymous in killing yourself.
Just saying. Oh, and this is part of the depopulation process in New World Order...