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Smoking, a yes or a no?

jemsykes's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

senpaimomo's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

No, it should be ban. But the [b]Government[/b] allowed this along with alcoholic drinks because it destroy our [b]internal organs[/b] and our [b]capacity to think[/b] (or more in our body and mind) yet they are warning us to stop smoking because [b]IT'S DANGEROUS TO OUR HEALTH[/b] and even showing us graphic pictures in the product when you smoke and when what happen to your lungs when you DO smoke. (How stupid can those people in the Government get?) It's not a turn off, it's killing you. [i]Slowly.[/i] especially for girls. Sorry for those who smoke/drink alcohol. Sorry if I included the alcohol here but it is synonymous in killing yourself. Just saying. Oh, and this is part of the depopulation process in New World Order...
senpaimomo's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

No, it should be ban. But the [b]Government[/b] allowed this along with alcoholic drinks because it destroy our [b]internal organs[/b] and our [b]capacity to think[/b] (or more in our body and mind) yet they are warning us to stop smoking because [b]IT'S DANGEROUS TO OUR HEALTH[/b] and even showing us graphic pictures in the product when you smoke and when what happen to your lungs when you DO smoke. (How stupid can those people in the Government get?) It's not a turn off, it's killing you. [i]Slowly.[/i] especially for girls. Sorry for those who smoke/drink alcohol. Sorry if I included the alcohol here but it is synonymous in killing yourself. Just saying. Oh, and this is part of the depopulation process in New World Order... --------------------------------- UPDATE: Error in post. It double post. Sorry

Last edited by senpaimomo (2013-04-25 09:49:48)

 Alex III
Tres's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

^:lol3: you have an intense answer right there. Since someone who thinks smoking is a no has already made a long post, I'm going to make one too. For us who answered -and are about to answer- [b]yes[/b]. [spoiler][img][/img] [img][/img][/spoiler] And a short prose (feel free to ignore :lol3:) [spoiler][quote]A PACK OF CIGARETTES has to be the most satisfying purchase of any given day. There’s sheer volume, for one thing. You’re not buying five or ten of anything. Not even a dozen. Not you. You’re buying 20 moments. Twenty chances to unfold your ancient lighter, with the associated pleasure of 20 whiffs of butane and the minimum 20 thumb-rasps on the flint. But go further. Twenty trips to the courtyard, where the other smokers gather to lean against doorways, kicking at their shoes. In every city, outside every office, they congregate. They are a nation unto themselves! The handshake. The tapping of the cigarette against the palm. That first curl of smoke against the eye. They’ve bought into something with that pack. Twenty first drags, 20 glances at the sky, 20 conversations about the Redskins or about that rain cloud, about your sister or the other guy’s girlfriend, about how much you hate soccer, about how good the breeze feels when the sun is falling behind the trees. In another era, these would be our moments of repose, the kind of things painters would concentrate on. In a more forward-thinking culture, you might expect workers to be forced to step outside 20 times a day, to give themselves three minutes out of every 30, to gather in small pods, if only for the sheer accident of conversation. For all their troubles, smokers get this much. They are drawn to it. Despite themselves, despite the flood of warnings and the sidelong glances, despite the castigations of children and government alike, smokers locate themselves in their day and they pause. [url=]- Tom Chiarella, fiction editor at Esquire. Taken from “The Indefensible Position: Smoking Has Its Benefits”[/url][/quote] [/spoiler]

Last edited by Tres (2013-04-25 12:20:50)

senpaimomo's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

[quote=Tres;#325650;1366906814]^:lol3: you have an intense answer right there.[/quote] Well, I'm serious in this kind of topic when it comes to human life. :)
 Alex III
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

[quote=senpaimomo;#325759;1366963638]Well, I'm serious in this kind of topic when it comes to human life. :)[/quote] I appreciate the passion :D
 Rui Kenji
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

I tried. But No.
 Wendy Flowers
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

I've recently just quit smoking and I think that's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against smokers because that's their life and choice, but we cannot deny the fact that it's unhealthy and once you get addicted, you'll find it hard to stop.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

It's a [b]NO[/b] despite being a smoker myself. [quote=Tres;#325650;1366906814]smokers locate themselves in their day and they pause.[/quote] Got captivated by that prose. :lol:
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

[quote=thewendynator;#332031;1370116470]I've recently just quit smoking and I think that's one of the best decisions I've ever made.[/quote] Yep me too. I stopped smoking cos I was always already feeling dizzy whenever I do and it hurts my head, idk why tho. My friend says it's just cos I've just started but it has already been months and the vertigo never goes away, so I've decided to stop this nonsense. Plus when I asked my mum, she told me I was weak in the lungs since before. I've never admitted to her abt my vice tho, eheheh. Sorry for that long confession lol Anyway, I'm still against smoking and I was glad when the price for cigarettes went high. Smoking kills, people. You've gotta stop it before it eats the shit out of you.
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

@thewendynator & @Pawws: I admire yall for that. I don’t know how it feels like to itch for another pack, but I sure know how hard it is to stop when you're addicted to something. :um: When I was a kid, I saw my grandmother smoking outside the house and she threw her cigarette on the grass. I picked it up after she left, thinking it was some sort of candy. I breathed into it and I choked and threw it away. It was so gross :lol3: Kidding aside, I say no. It has good (?) psychological and physiological effects (relieves stress), but it’s the nicotine inside it that does that and that substance is very dangerous. But fortunately they started making nicotine gums for those who are trying to quit smoking, so that the nicotine doesn’t have to go into the lungs and destroy them. It can be digested. However this only presents a way out from lung cancer. My dad has been smoking all his life and he bought an [i]e-cigarette[/i] so that we wouldn’t smell the smoke, but it still had nicotine in it, only in the form of a liquid. Nicotine builds up a plaque in your arteries, forms new blood vessel and stimulates the growth of a tumor (yada yada yada I'm pretty sure we are all well aware of the effects). It’s not as alarming as it sounds now, but once we see visible, drastic effects, it’ll be too late by then. :( Honestly, if it didn’t have such harmful side effects, then I wouldn’t even be so strongly against it. Hahahaha. Chocolate relieves stress too but too bad we get fat if we don’t burn those calories or we get diabetes if we consume too much of it. Nothing is free :cry:
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

yes :smoke:
PretZel's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

I've never, and I won't.
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?


Last edited by Pawws (2014-03-17 06:50:20)

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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

I'm gonna have to say no. Fortunately, no one in my nuclear family smokes so I dont have to deal with smokers all the time. I dont hate smokers but I dont like them puffing cigarettes around me. I hate the smell so people have to make sure they do not smell like cigarette when I'm around :lol3: The problem about total tobacco ban is loss of jobs for many of our fellows so I'm not sure about that. Maybe effectively increase the people's awareness about its effects. Or just export everything. I dont really understand how the economy works :lol3:
merix's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

i smoke but im trying to stop smoking but i cant :smoke:
 Megumi Kairi
bianx's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

NO. brings you near to hell
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: Smoking, a yes or a no?

yes and no

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