[quote=akosiloys;#34016;1336109742]Buhahaha. I want to be their eomma. Imagine, I'll have those hensem boys as my kids. Woosh.
How about no? Bacon is reserved for my Chanyeol.[/quote]
But u can't marry them!

. Me, i wanna marry them. Like all of them.. all at the same time. Including SHINee, BB and SJ

[quote=akosiloys;#34016;1336109742]FYI, I'm a BaekYeol shipper. Buhahaha[/quote]
ChanYeol can stand alone!

I ship BaekNew

[quote=akosiloys;#34016;1336109742]Hi, Kai :">[/quote]
I uh........... *faints*, I need to find that performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!