[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41468;1336232735]WOOOAAAHHH~ Komawo yo~ But I notice Taemin is there. XDDDD
Baek Hyun Kai, Y U look like Taemin? XDDDDD
*oopps, I thought it's Baek Hyun.. XDDD*[/quote]
Kai's bro, Taemin. lol
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41468;1336232735]WOOAAAAHHH~ Hope all SuJu members can also have this, and I hope Heechul can have his own too. Hahahaha.[/quote]
But it's more awesome to have a Super Show 5 here, right?

[quote=mndrl;#41482;1336233352]CHANGMIN, Y U DO THIS TO ME TT_TT[/quote]
The lower part is [s]attractive[/s]. LOL

[quote=akosiloys;#41535;1336234441]Depends on you. I was just sharing a friend of mine's opinion. I didn't mean to spoil your appetite on Fashion King.[/quote]
I'm not dl-ing FK. Will just wait for Divisoria copies. LMAO I'll just watch Yuri's clips for the mean time :j
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41656;1336237814]Anyway, have you watched TaeTiSeo's Love sick performance today? Everyone's bashing on my Seohyunbb. Well, I think it's because she was uncomfortable singing while sitting so she couldn't handle her breath. She has a very good vocals, I believe
PS: And everyone's blaming her belt. LOL.[/quote]
[quote=mndrl;#41659;1336237983]LOL on everyone blaming the belt. Poor belt Her breathing wasn't THAT noticeable at the first part but it was really obvious after :-j Although I think it is not that bad but she still needs to control her breathing. I still love Seohyun anyway And did Taeyeon even open her eyes during the performance? I only saw her open her eyes once Btw, her dress seems too long[/quote]
It took them 8 times recording Love Sick. Lmao blame the belt.

But dang it's really hard to sing while sitting...

I still love Seobb though. She matured a lot in this mini-album.

[quote=mndrl;#41659;1336237983]@Nixxxxxx Not really recent but is there something wrong with Hongki's voice? He lip syncs some parts. But he's still great. I can feel the sadness of the song[/quote]
He started lip syncing the "[i]Neo eobshi mot saneun baboinde eocheorago[/i]~" when he also started feeling something in his throat. Maybe he was like "[i]Ouch that part is so high. It'll ruin my voice. I'll just lip sync it. Primadonnas would undertand.[/i]"

When they are performing Severely these past days.. Hongki's not singing that part anymore. :j But I can still feel the song. So heartbreaking. I always feel like that whenever I listen to Severely. (((=

Last edited by SuperNix (2012-05-05 22:46:09)