[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41656;1336237814]That belt! Psh. Who's in charge of this? WAE YOU HAVE TO LET SEOHYUN SING WITH THAT?
Anyways, Seohyun still did a very good job. *And yeah,I think it isn't the belt's fault. Hahahahaha. Sorry belt for blaming you. XDDD *[/quote]
Hahahaha. Poor belt

[quote=mndrl;#41659;1336237983]LOL on everyone blaming the belt. Poor belt Her breathing wasn't THAT noticeable at the first part but it was really obvious after :-j Although I think it is not that bad but she still needs to control her breathing. I still love Seohyun anyway And did Taeyeon even open her eyes during the performance? I only saw her open her eyes once Btw, her dress seems too long[/quote]
Yeah. Seobb was still awesome! Taeyeon is forever amajjing. She never fails to amaze every SONE.