[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41468;1336232735]WOOOAAAHHH~ Komawo yo~ But I notice Taemin is there. XDDDD
Baek Hyun Kai, Y U look like Taemin? XDDDDD[/quote]
Bwahaha. I love you for pointing that out! Kai really looks like Taemin. I thought they're twins or something. Hahaha
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41468;1336232735]OOOOOOOHHHHH~ Ultra Shawol Btw, who's your bias?[/quote]
I'm a Taemin-biased. Youu? :">
[quote=mndrl;#41482;1336233352]My sister also told me that Fashion King is not that good.[/quote]
I find it really boring. I mean, I started a few minutes of episode 1 and suddenly stopped it. Haaa~ xD
[quote=SuperNix;#41426;1336231680]OIC I've already watched some clips of Yuri.. so should I continue watching Yuri's clips then? LOL[/quote]
Depends on you. I was just sharing a friend of mine's opinion. I didn't mean to spoil your appetite on Fashion King.