[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41606;1336235683]AHAHAHAHA, YESS SUPPPEEERRR!
I heard they have shippers though, but I'm not a TaeKai shipper though *coz I still don't know Kai. XDDD*[/quote]
Hahaha. TaeKai? I don't know. They look like brothers for me.

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#41606;1336235683]OMO! SAME! I love Taemin too. I also like Key esp. JongKey. XDDD[/quote]
Same! Diva Key is my second bias. JongKey FTW!

Anyway, have you watched TaeTiSeo's Love sick performance today? Everyone's bashing on my Seohyunbb. Well, I think it's because she was uncomfortable singing while sitting so she couldn't handle her breath. She has a very good vocals, I believe

PS: And everyone's blaming her belt. LOL.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dXB4tjwsWQ&feature=player_embedded]Watch it now![/url]
Last edited by akosiloys (2012-05-05 13:22:37)