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  2013-08-12 11:11:53

 Alex III
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Are you a Grammar Nazi?

In response to the definition by the urbandictionary, I am: [spoiler][b]A person who uses proper grammar at all times, esp. online in emails, chatrooms, instant messages and webboard posts[/b];[b] a proponent of grammatical correctness. Often one who spells correctly as well. [/b][2] [b]A person who believes proper grammar (and spelling) should be used by everyone whenever possible.[/b] b – One who attempts to persuade or force others to use proper grammar and spelling. c – One who uses proper grammar and spelling to subtly mock or deride those who do not; an exhibitor of grammatical superiority. d – [b]One who advocates linguistic clarity[/b]; an opponent of 1337-speak. e – One who corrects others' grammar; the spelling police.[/spoiler] [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]1. Do you often get the annoyed when people mistakes your from you're, this from these or were from where?[/quote] Not really annoyed. I just get uncomfortable :lol2: I feel the urge to correct them, but sometimes I just don't give a damn anymore. I only get annoyed when the people who commit these mistakes are the same ones who think so highly of themselves. And I make this kind of mistakes too, unconsciously. So I have come to understand and tolerate it :lol2: [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]2. As a grammatical nazi, after re-reading your own post and feels there's something wrong or missing about it, do you feel the urge or need to correct them right away?[/quote] I do feel the urge to correct them right away. Aaaaand get ridiculously embarrassed by it. If I see something terribly constructed in a post of mine and I can't edit it, I feel really frustrated. It's a definition of torture for me too :lol2: [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]3. Also when you see a person making grammatical mistakes, do you always have the guts to tell it to them straight no matter what?[/quote] Not always. It depends on how close I am with that person. If it's one of my closest friends, I tell it to them right away. Especially if it's really bad grammar, to save them from getting humiliated. If it's someone I'm not really close with, then it will depend on how bad their grammar is (I once corrected someone who said [i]"I'm a lost cost"[/i] instead of [i]"I'm a lost cause."[/i]), but either way, I try to tell them politely. [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]Well then, after reading the definition... do you now consider yourself one? If so, what is your Grammar Nazi level? :lol2:[/quote] Iiiii don't think I'm a Grammar Nazi. I just support and love good grammar. Just like what @shana16 said, good grammar is sexy :lol2: and English is a complex yet beautiful language, people need to use it more.

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