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  2013-10-11 09:08:01

 Alex III
Tres's display avatar
» Keeper of the Vows
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Most embarrassing moment

One time back in high school our MAPEH org which I was an officer of, held this cultural program for our intrams week. It was after lunch break and students were going back to the quadrangle to wait for the next portion to start. The officers were required to get to the quadrangle early, but I arrived 15-20 minutes late. When I walked in, this friend who was behind the sound system played Michael Buble's Feeling Good to dramatize my entrance. My other friends cheered on me like I was walking down the red carpet and I'm on my way to my own movie premiere. I was a senior so I was one of the well-knowns and even the students from the lower years cheered along. It was the most sudden mass attention I have ever received and it was because I was late and it was just so embarrassing. Although they didn't do that to humiliate me. [i]Trip trip lang.[/i] But just like any other embarrassing moment, I end up laughing at this memory every time i remember it. :lol2:

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