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ID,OR,BS or M5?

Imagine Dragons
9% - 1
One Republic
18% - 2
Maroon 5
54% - 6
18% - 2

Total : 11 votes
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  2014-03-28 02:33:43

PUSH's display avatar
» FTalkManiac
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I Envy
Se7en Deadly Sins
Seoul, PHL

Who's the best among these 4?

[quote=Tres;#389541;1395881096]Chose Bastille. Their style is very indie and although I like Imagine Dragons too for the roadtrip vibe, I thought Bastille gives me the most relaxing ambiance. Hehe[/quote] Its a hard choice if you compare Bastille and Imagine Dragons since their voices are incomparable to Adam and Teddy. But I like a lot of Imagine Dragons songs in their album (actually i love their whole album) than u know just a few songs from Bastille's Bad blood. What songs do u like from Bastille? Is Laura Palmer good? :lol3: [quote=bianx;#389602;1395906772]Maroon 5 for me. So ashamed I only know 2 bands from the list. -__- and.. I am not even sure about the songs of One republic so.. Maroon 5[/quote] Its because Maroon 5 are legendsssssssssss! :lol3: [quote=bobcbar;#389636;1395914371]yes but still always near the top of many americans list[/quote] Is it better than KPOP? :eh: [quote=Pawws;#389643;1395920056]omaygad yesssssss! plus the music video itself was so weird and awesomeeeee. my first thought when i saw it play was 'wtff is happening to these people whut whutt, crazy ' lmao i'll listen to that too, thanks for suggesting ate push[/quote] Pompeii? Omg that wasnt weird. That was actually scary. I mean their eyes, that scared me a littleee :peek::peek: I actually liked the song first before i have ever seen the video. Good thing becus when radioactive came out, i saw the video. I liked the song but the MV was so creepy, i skipped liking it lol. [quote=Pawws;#389643;1395920056]i agree! IG's songs are so catchy, like its the perf song for figuring yourself and to ponder all your mistakes HAHAHAHAHAHAH[/quote] [b]"Ponder all your mistakes"[/b] Wow. Thats a deep thought man. Really deep :O_o: [quote=Pawws;#389643;1395920056]HAHAHAHAHAHAHh wtf thats ok ate push, dont cry im sure when they come here, you'll be first to buy a ticket anyw[/quote] Oh of course, cause thats what i said when Maroon 5 came. And Super Junior (oh waitttt, i did watch their concert).. and SHINee and Girls Gen. Who else? :lol3: I will try to go, but im sure the tickets will be xpensivvvvvvvvvvvvvve

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