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You are viewing a post by Tres. View all 39 posts in Friendzoned..

  2014-03-28 22:34:19

 Alex III
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Re: Friendzoned.

[quote=bianx;#389990;1396043789]He's like pa-hard to get and everything. After all the courage i had to confess with what i truly feel about him, friendzoned padin. :facepalm:[/quote] Was he still pa-hard to get even after he friendzoned you? Whatever happened to him? I mean, where is he now? [quote=bianx;#389990;1396043789]and im glad carlo dumped me before, so i got the chance to know someone way better than him. :thumbsup: so your friend should be happy by now? Is he? Does he already have a girlfriend? Or atleast someone who cares for him? The one who friendzoned us should be jealous as hell :lol3: joke lang.[/quote] That's what I was gunna say too! You found someone waaaay better. His name even sounds better than 'carlo.' hahahaha my friend Carlo is still single :lol3: but he's a happy single. Besides, he's a nursing student so he kinda figured he won't be able to spare enough time for a girlfriend. [quote=bianx;#389990;1396043789]Good for you tres the one who friendzoned you didn't resist your appeal that's why she fell for you too afterwards :lol2:[/quote] Oh I was lucky enough! Hahahahaha she once admitted to me that she friendzoned me because she thought I was going to friendzone her if she showed a hint of romantic affection. Like she didn't want to assume. So when I finally confessed (in a pretty straightforward approach so she would get me crystal clear), she said she felt the same. So yeah, I think the kind of friendzone that happened to me was out of anxiety. Unlike others who do it out of ego.

You are viewing a post by Tres. View all 39 posts in Friendzoned..

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