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  2014-04-05 17:51:18

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» FTalkManiac
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Are you a Grammar Nazi?

[quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]Well according to urban dictionary, [1][b] A person who uses proper grammar at all times, esp. online in emails, chatrooms, instant messages and webboard posts; a proponent of grammatical correctness. Often one who spells correctly as well. [/b][2] A person who believes proper grammar (and spelling) should be used by everyone whenever possible. b – One who attempts to persuade or force others to use proper grammar and spelling. c – One who uses proper grammar and spelling to subtly mock or deride those who do not; an exhibitor of grammatical superiority. d – One who advocates linguistic clarity; an opponent of 1337-speak. e – One who corrects others' grammar; the spelling police.[/quote] Whenever I email anyone or post anything, I try to read it probably 3x before I send/post it. I don't actually care if I made a mistake though but people knowing that you work in an industry where English is a MUST. It would be a little humiliating if you screw up, everyday in the eyes of everyone, some of us callcenter freaks feel like we are always in an interview :xixi:, but of course we are not gods and godessess of english. A lot of us suck. And we are here to laugh at each other's mistake all the time. I don't force anyone to speak the proper way, heck that's harder as it is. [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]1. Do you often get the annoyed when people mistakes your from you're, this from these or were from where?[/quote] I don't get that annoyed. I would admit, I always use YOUR instead of YOU'RE, yeah i know screw me right?, but I know the difference. I just type so fast I get lazy to spell it out right. I would also blame the influence of short texting to me, you know the U instead of YOU or UR instead of YOUR. It does affect how one's spell. It maybe annoying to see them but it's inevitable, people got so influenced by how you short text that they just use it everywhere. I use it, I got used to it. I get annoyed yes, but I use it. Ironic right? :lol:. One thing I cannot take it people who just suck at English so much, it's not how it is spelled or how it is used but at least it still sounds right but those who just speak at so poor english. It annoys me. [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]2. As a grammatical nazi, after re-reading your own post and feels there's something wrong or missing about it, do you feel the urge or need to correct them right away?[/quote] I read what I write 3x before sending it. If it's an important email, i use grammar/spell check. Hey, I'm not that good in english, minus well get help :lol3:. [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]3. Also when you see a person making grammatical mistakes, do you always have the guts to tell it to them straight no matter what[/quote] Whenever I know it's wrong. Like what I've said, I get annoyed with people with poor english. And they're even that arrogant to even notice. I pass those who I know who are good in English but are just not confident to speak it. But those who are you know celebrities, people I see on TV, people I know who I thought are good in english but suck at it. I heard my manager say "That's very good about it". I mean that itself I know is wrong because it sounded wrong. Im not sure if it's even gramatically right but it just sounds so wrong. I always blurt out a "say what?" whenever he says that. Or whenever someone else said it, I just say "that doesn't sound right" or just laugh at their face. [quote=Pawws;#347668;1376304591]Well then, after reading the definition... do you now consider yourself one? If so, what is your Grammar Nazi level?[/quote] Not that high. I don't correct everyone, just those I know who needs to be corrected. I'm not good in written and oral English anyway so I wont put myself in humiliation if ever someone else corrects me in revenge. But I just can't stand "Carabao English" in a serious way.

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