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  2014-04-16 23:37:40

» FTalkElite
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Se7en Deadly Sins

The Parallel Universe

[quote=bianx;#390628;1396332570]What if in the other universe Philippines is like the USA of the world?[/quote] It used to be. Then Marcos happened. :facepalm: [quote=Tres;#390714;1396360796]@chaw's Doomsday work is in a parallel universe too, right?[/quote] Yes yes yes. Except you're also a heartthrob in my story, so it doesn't really apply to you :lol2: [hr] Hmm. I never thought about this. The farthest I can go with my imagination is that I was born somewhere in Europe, and I was rich, and that I flew to the States to attend an Ivy-League :lol2:

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