Pro or anti-death penalty?
[quote=chaw;#396852;1397573961]what do you think of a president giving the criminal a pardon?[/quote]
[quote=bubblegum;#396949;1397608011]You can't generalize the criminals because they have different minds and motives. If they're thrill seekers, then what? My point is, some do it by choice (against their will or not) and others are just mentally ill but if they know that their life will be cut off if they commit heinous crime, their happy hour will end. A head of the family would think twice before mugging a person or being a burglar since his family depends on him to provide for their basic needs.[/quote]
Yes I am generalizing because death penalty doesn’t prevent or reduce crime.
When was the last time a wealthy person or politician charged with plunder sent to the death row?
[quote=bubblegum;#396949;1397608011]Tightening the system of justice would invariably yield good result especially when you take away bail on small crimes like robbery.[/quote]
Doing that will only congest the prison.