[quote=chaw;#399733;1398152655]Yeah I agree. I think the best way to learn English (or ANY language at all) is to verbally speak it and have a conversation with it.

Do you think you got better in English because you're in US?

Do you have the english slang accent? Do you also have the distinct Texas accent?

[quote=chaw;#399733;1398152655]It's hard to learn english in school e[b]specially when the English teacher in school sucks[/b] at speaking it.[/quote]
So fucking true.
Did you know that I also used to do this mistake [b]DID + PAST TENSE[/b]. 17 years in school and nobody ever friggin corrected me??!!

Like I only learned that it was wrong when my super sarcastic friend who invited me to ftalk pointed out that I sucked in english HAHHAHAHAHAHA.

I was gunna say a few more things but I keep forgetting.

I think it's your siggy chaw. Paww has that temporary amnesia effect.