I never attempt to exert any effort in farting or pooping.
Honestly, I do not really know how to [i]ire[/i] (push) the air or whatever out of my anus HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. I just sit in the toilet and hope it'll come out on its own.

When I was a kid until I was a sophomore in college, I always ask the maid to get me a glass of water when I am thirsty like I'd shout "Tubigggg" until they hear me. (I don't do it anymore because our tita scolded us and said it's bad to ask for help when I can do it on my own).
I can't do anything standing up for too long.
[quote=Tres;#401406;1398482485]Opened a cereal box and a box of fresh milk. Didn't mix them up in a bowl. Ate and drank directly from both boxes alternately.[/quote]
Did it with a tasty bread and sandwich spread.

[quote=Chan;#401281;1398441674]got back from travelling, didn't touch anything and unpack until 1 month later[/quote]
I also did that but it was not a month maybe 1 or 2 weeks max because it is also I who will suffer doing heaps and heaps of laundry.
Last edited by aya (2014-05-02 04:18:30)