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  2014-05-06 10:56:26

bubblegum's display avatar
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Re: [CONTEST] Ftalk Summer Loveteam 2014

[quote=Natsume;#405354;1399387582]You just didn't explained it well that's why i'm so confused on what you said[/quote] [quote=Natsume;#405173;1399372808]I nominate: iSuperman and SkylineGoddess des and H2o[/quote] [quote=bubblegum;#405297;1399383044][b]Said member adamantly refused to be nominated.[/b][/quote] [hr][hr][hr] [quote=Natsume;#405354;1399387582][b]i really don't know what's the reason why he refused that[/b] or its just you who didn't want him to be nominate here[/quote] Better ask him because I don't think it's nice to put his message here. Dondon, I am not childish as to remove his name on the list just because said member and I are not in good terms. [quote=Natsume;#405354;1399387582]Because i'm the only person you noticed here.[/quote] You're the only one who complained/asked. [quote=Natsume;#405354;1399387582]I can see some post/s that aren't really valid.[/quote] Which one? [quote=Natsume;#405354;1399387582]and i'm the one who nominate him. He should inform me also.[/quote] That's between you two. [quote=Natsume;#405354;1399387582]i don't know the situation, i just nominate who i like.[/quote] What situation? And yeah, other members nominate too the loveteams they like.

Last edited by bubblegum (2014-05-06 10:58:26)

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